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Hi there,
We’re about to wrap up our letter writing Week of Action, and the entire Vote Forward team has been blown away by the enthusiasm we’ve seen from this community.
From first-time event hosts gathered with a few friends to long-time organizers who engaged their larger communities, Vote Forward volunteers will have hosted more than 300 events by the end of this week! Groups gathered around kitchen tables, in bars, at libraries, on zoom, and in places of worship to write personalized letters to voters, and I’ve been thrilled to hear personally how many say they love the feeling of taking effective action together.
Whether you’ve hosted a letter writing party, joined family and friends to write, or written on your own this week, thank you for helping to make so much early progress toward our goal to write 10 million letters!
While the Week of Action is almost over, there are still plenty more voters to reach. [If you have a little time this weekend, download and write your next batch of letters:]([link removed]
[Write letters]([link removed]
As you finish batches of letters throughout the year, address them and then set them (don't seal them just yet) so you can continue enhancing them later in the year. We’ll be in touch with more details about this soon.
If you didn’t get the chance to take part in any events this week, don’t worry! [You’re more than welcome to host or join a letter writing party at any time throughout the year.]([link removed])
Thank you for being an integral part of the work to protect our democracy this year!
Nia Bentall
Mobilization Lead
Vote Forward
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
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