Dear friends,
This week marks the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, and it comes at a time when we are experiencing an extraordinary public health crisis in our nation and indeed in the world.
As our country searches for solutions to the damage and disruption caused by the coronavirus, the importance of government has never been more apparent and the work we do at the Kennedy Institute has never been more relevant. With its award-winning, hands-on, experiential programming, the Institute brings visitors inside the workings of government. As they become U.S. senators for a day, students learn to work across the aisle, listen to competing views, engage in civil discourse, and search for common ground in hopes of finding a way to get to yes for the good of the country. They experience the nobility of public service and are inspired to be more active citizens.
In January 2008, at American University, Senator Edward M. Kennedy said: "I love this country. I believe in the bright light of hope and possibility. I always have, even in the darkest hours. I know what America can achieve."
We too believe in that bright light of hope and possibility. We see it in the eyes of the young people who walk through our doors. And we feel optimism for the future.
While the doors to the Kennedy Institute are closed right now for the safety of the students and our staff, we are looking forward to re-opening in time for the beginning of the new school year in September. In the meantime, we hope you will reflect on the importance of the Institute’s mission and will help us continue to support the “bright light of hope and possibility.”
We look forward to celebrating – together – when the Kennedy Institute reopens its doors in September. Thank you for your support. Together, we will get through these difficult days.
With great appreciation,

Victoria Reggie Kennedy
Co-Founder and President of the Board