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Friend --
Spring is in the air, and that means three things:
cherry blossom bloom is imminent, we'll have pollen everywhere soon,
and it's time for the city to start debating our budget (that's what
you think of in springtime, right?!). With the warmer weather and all
of the colors of spring returning, it's getting beautiful outside. I
hope you get the chance to stroll through a market or park and dine
outside more than once in the coming weeks. I want to thank everyone
at the International Spy Museum for hosting their second Ward 6 night,
distributing tickets to more than a dozen Ward 6 community groups, and
inviting hundreds of neighbors to check it out. We had a great
We have plenty to talk about below, but for a good read at the top,
I wanted to be sure you saw this Post
article on how the District and the region are outpacing most other
major cities in recovering from the pandemic with population
growth. Even though we face very real and urgent challenges on
several fronts, it's a good reminder that DC remains a place where
people want to be.
Finally, a quick heads up I'll be holding community
office hours in Mt. Vernon Triangle this Friday -- info below.
Now, let's jump into the newsletter.
Quick Links: Public Safety |
FY25 Budget Schedule | Budget Priorities | Union Station | E-Bike
Rebate | H Street Oral History | Feed Phil on H Street | Atlas
Art Lab | Pacci's | DCHA | Shirley Chisholm Film | DC
TAG | Great Spring Clean | Zero Waste DC | MVT
Office Hours | Spirit Tickets at
Public Safety Update
Last Tuesday, the Secure DC bill unanimously passed
the Council and has since been signed into law by the Mayor. Several
components went into effect immediately as part of an identical
emergency bill we passed at the same time. If you missed it, I
sent out an email update last week with a longer reflection. As I
mention in that update, this was an important step the Council took to
close gaps in our laws and be responsive to changing court precedents.
And the Council preserved the commonsense police accountability and
transparency laws that help build trust between officers and the
communities they serve.
But this one law won't be a cure-all. Much of what needs to
improve, as I've said many times, is a far more coordinated, whole of
government approach that brings everyone together to solve these
complicated issues. For example, the Department of Forensic Sciences,
our crime lab, is still barely back to processing drug evidence, and
there's no timeline for when it might earn approval to process guns
and ballistics. There's no question the loss of the lab has slowed
investigations and forced both our federal and local prosecutors to
triage cases. Our US Attorney's Office, a federal agency, has recently
made a concerted media push against
criticism that the office is declining too many cases for
prosecution. Certainly the crime lab's collapse plays a significant
role here, but I think it's also clear our USAO doesn't have the
resources needed (and DOJ's announced surge in January backs that up).
All of that is to say we can't abandon the hard work required to
increase coordination between federal and local systems, among law
enforcement partners, and among non-law enforcement agencies on the
small number of people most likely to be involved in crime.
On the legislation front, I'll plug two bills I've introduced that
can strengthen our laws and one I'll be introducing soon.
First, I'm pushing for action on my bill that would require the Department
of Forensic Sciences to preserve rape kits when the victim doesn't
want to come forward to the police immediately. This is a no-brainer:
save the evidence (it's literally a shoebox-sized kit), and if a
victim later wants to report, we have somewhere to start. But the
Executive didn't support the bill at the hearing because of "unknown
costs". That doesn't make sense; we preserve every rape kit today
where the victim does want to come forward, so really, refusing to
move forward is just punishing victims who don't feel comfortable
telling the police instead of empowering them to make their own
decisions. I'd much rather find a climate-controlled room at the crime
lab and catch a potential rapist. I'm hopeful my the Committee on the
Judiciary and Public Safety will move the bill to a vote before the
end of the year.
Second, my bill to increase
hiring and retention incentives at our 911 Call Center, where
we've had plenty of issues with staffing and call handling. While a
lot of focus and discussion remains on police officer hiring, we have
other critical staffing challenges in our public safety cluster that
deserve the same energy. I introduced a bill to extend the same home
purchasing assistance to 911 call-takers and dispatchers that I
created a few years ago for police and fire personnel. It's a big way
to help recruit and retain the staff we need. In return, they'd sign a
five-year service commitment with the District. There's
a hearing for that bill coming up on Monday, March 18. Thanks to
my colleague, Councilmember Robert White, for holding the hearing in
his committee.
Third, I'm currently working on a bill I'd like to introduce soon
aiming to lower the truancy rate at our schools, particularly for
older children. This is a canary in the coal mine for young people in
trouble, and we need to get out in front of it. I look forward to
sharing more details soon.
Finally, thanks to neighbors, ANC Commissioner
Ahmad Abu-Khalaf, and officers from the Fifth District for a safety
walk in NoMa. We focused on issues around 1st and M and down M
Street (where there are also significant sidewalk blockages and
sidewalk conditions concerns). I appreciated the perspectives from
neighbors and Commissioners, as well as the focus from 5D officers who
have upped their patrols following several recent gun violence
Upcoming Public Safety Walks
March 26, 12pm: Join MPD's First District officers
and resident leaders at nearby buildings for a walk starting at 1050
New Jersey Avenue, NW.
FY25 Budget Hearings Schedule
Once the Mayor's proposed budget arrives, the
Council kicks off our public budget hearings for every single agency,
and we want your feedback on the issues and projects you care most
about. You can find every hearing and sign up to testify here
(filtering by committee is helpful): https://lims.dccouncil.gov/hearings/
A few notable hearings for members of the public (some of these
have government witnesses testifying on a different date due to long
public witness lists):
- Department of General Services: April
- Department of Transportation: April
- DC Public Schools + All Education Agencies: April
- Metropolitan Police Department: April
- Office of the Attorney General: March
- Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development: April
- Department of Buildings: March
- Office of Tax and Revenue: April
Budget Priorities Letter
wanted to share the letter I sent to Mayor Bowser outlining my budget
priorities for the coming FY25 budget process, which begins with
the Mayor proposing her own budget that the Council then works from. I
shared my priorities in advance to ask the Mayor to include them in
her initial budget proposal. I'll note much media coverage of DC's
budget seems to paint a negative picture. DC's growth continues. The
main challenge is we have substantial cost drivers that have to get
funded in the budget, which will make things a lot tighter, including
$200 million for WMATA's operating costs on top of our normal payment.
So I'm not pretending we don't have tough choices ahead, but I want to
also be clear that DC is moving in a positive direction by nearly
every economic indicator, with the largest source of concern remaining
struggling commercial properties downtown.
The letter gives you a good idea of what I'll be focused on in the
budget as we begin deliberations between now and May/June, when the
budget will be finalized. You can read the whole letter above, but
I'll run through a few areas specific to Ward 6 and citywide here:
Priorities for Ward 6
Maintaining Funding for Ward 6 School Modernizations:
We have four schools in the pipeline for a full modernization (JO
Wilson, Brent, Shirley Chisholm, and Amidon-Bowen). My goal is to
ensure these are maintained and we start to identify swing space for
each school within a shorter commute than 45 minutes to an
Advancing Rumsey Aquatic Center's Redesign: Last
year, I worked with key leaders around Eastern Market to identify and
secure funding to add a second floor to the coming renovation of
Rumsey and create a brand new space for seniors to enjoy, as well as
first floor space to support Eastern Market vendors and new
Support Small and Local Businesses: I talk with far
too many small businesses barely making it work right now. There's an
easy way to give them a little support: double the existing Small
Retailer Property Tax Credit. This is an existing, proven way to get a
little relief back to our businesses at a time when margins are razor
Dedicated Funding for H Street NE: We've seen other
major corridors in the District receive funding to improve public
safety and public space and draw more people to the corridor with
events. I'd like to see similar targeted investments in H Street NE,
as we work to activate and uplift the corridor.
Maintenance, Repairs, and Programming at Eastern Market Metro
Park: We've invested millions in a new, beautiful Eastern
Market Metro Park, and we now need to make sure the maintenance and
repairs stay on track. I've asked the Mayor to create a standing pot
of capital dollars for repairs and to also fund a new Park Manager
position to help coordinate and focus on the park's day-to-day. This
would pair with the funding I've added in the last two budgets for
grants for programming the park.
Priorities for the District
Fund WMATA: Job number one for me is securing funding
to avoid WMATA's fiscal cliff in the coming year. I worked closely
with Chairman Mendelson and Mayor Bowser to commit to identifying $200
million dollars, joining with Virginia and Maryland to head off the
worst doomsday budgets WMATA proposed.
Make SNAP Increases Permanent: Last year, the Council
funded an increase in the amount of local tax dollars that were
matched to federal SNAP (Supplementary Nutritional Assistance Program)
dollars. We need to maintain these increases for neighbors who are
really struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table.
Fully Fund Public Safety: Within the broad topic of
public safety, my priorities will be funding for MPD to allow them to
retain and recruit new officers, and specifically for the Cadet
Program. MPD's Cadet Program is a reliable pipeline that gets young DC
residents into good-paying public service jobs while they also get
college credit. I'd also like to see us take on one of the biggest
issues highlighted in last year's MPD workforce survey: reliable
childcare. This is a tricky one, but it's critical to retaining good
officers who have or start a family and also want to have a career. We
need flexible childcare that reflects the nature of shift work, and
this could be a meaningful pilot program.
Funding STEER Act for Safer Streets: Finally, I want
to push for funding and implementation of the STEER Act, which
recently passed the Council and will become law after congressional
review. Most of the law can be implemented without funding, but the
largest cost comes from reducing outstanding fines for drivers who
take a safe driver course, something we want to encourage to change
dangerous driving behavior. This will have a major impact on quality
of life for every single neighborhood and on every street in our
Generational Union Station Redevelopment Passes Major Hurdle
Big, big news late this week as the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) completed the Final Environmental Impact
Statement to allow redevelopment planning for Union Station to move
forward! This is huge, as it clears the project's core direction,
and we can move on to identifying funding. Over the past years, I've
joined nearby ANC leaders, neighbors, and businesses to advocate that
the final design for Union Station -- which will be a massive,
once-in-a-hundred-years project -- needs to achieve two goals: 1)
build capacity to continue to be a major transportation hub on par
with DCA, Dulles, and BWI for the region, and 2) fit in with the
surrounding neighborhood and have a smoother and much more natural
connection with local DC. I think this design is a winner on both of
those fronts. A new train hall, expanded rail, right-sized
parking, modern bus facilities, concourses with retail, dining, and
shopping...This is what we fought hard for and will transform our
entire region. Read more in Bisnow
and the Washington
Business Journal.
DC's E-Bike Rebate is Going Live in April
On Monday, DDOT
rolled out the details on the District's e-bike purchase program,
which I created to provide a voucher to cover the cost for DC
residents to purchase their own e-bike! If you've never ridden an
e-bike, I strongly recommend you give it a try (and if you're a
Capital Bikeshare member, it's very easy to find one). E-bikes unlock
the city and provide an entirely fresh perspective on your
neighborhood -- all without breaking a sweat! I
talked with WTOP about the program.
The District's program, created from the legislation I introduced
and led the Council to unanimously pass, is a little different. We
want to be sure this benefit is available to all DC residents, and
that means we wanted to create a program that could equitably benefit
low-income neighbors. That means a few things: there's a larger
benefit available to low-income residents, including covering a lock,
disability modifications, and accessories. And DDOT is taking it even
further -- the window will first be open to low-income residents (in
this case, anyone eligible for SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, or the DC
Healthcare Alliance). After that initial window, if there's still
funding, it will open up to all residents. Right now, DDOT estimates
funding for around 250 vouchers between April and the end of
September. Demand will certainly outpace availability, but it will be
critical to show this is a program that DC residents support. Details
from DDOT here: https://ddot.dc.gov/ebikes
Free Tickets to H Street Oral History Festival
If you're interested in local history, this
weekend's H
Street Oral History Festival is a can't-miss event. Pulled
together by Mosaic Theater and taking place at H Street's own Atlas
Center for Performing Arts, you can still get tickets for most
performances (the walking tour is sold out). All tickets are free.
This is a multi-year project in which the oral history of H Street NE
has been collected, documented, and turned into live
Two H Street Businesses Featured on 'Somebody Feed Phil'
I love seeing Ward 6 restaurants get the recognition they deserve
-- and two spots on H Street NE are featured in the Netflix series
"Somebody Feed Phil": Maketto and Mozzeria. A recap of the episode is
here from Washingtonian.
Free Atlas Arts Lab on March 22
One more update along H Street from Atlas Theater: "Join the
artists for an open rehearsal. Experience behind the scenes of our new
artists incubator series Atlas Arts Lab. This event is free to attend.
‘syBLINGS!’ is an intentional forever collaboration between Asali
Ruth-Mandla McIntyre and Spirit Paris McIntyre. Since the beginning of
time, these two have used their: comedy, shared love of language,
music, experiences, and the telepathic unspoken energy that exists
only between syblings as tools for survival. Asali is a Professional
Violinist, Singer-Songwriter, Improvisational Performer and Creative
based in the DC Metropolitan area. She has honed her skills in these
disciplines for 30+ years. Spirit is a Speaker, Composer, Cellist,
Lyricist, Reiki Practitioner, Facilitator, and Visual Artist, who
promotes empowerment and healing by any medium necessary. Take a peek
into ‘syBLINGS!’ Ancestral world-building practice. Guests will learn
about how syBLINGS!’ holds their rehearsals and creative spaces
sacred, actively participate in a ritual and will get to observe the
development of a performance piece."
RSVP here: https://www.atlasarts.org/events/syblings/
Pacci's BZA Decision Delayed to April 10
A lot of residents -- 1,225 to be precise -- jumped
on my sign-on
letter over last weekend in support of Pacci's application for a
variance on the zoning of their property to enable them to add seating
on their second floor. I don't normally weigh in on matters before the
Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA), but in this instance, I'm concerned
that this location is zoned in a way that won't allow any business to
be successful or to be a meaningful residence. This is an opportunity
for the BZA to support a much-loved local business and allow them to
make ends meet in the vibrant and active Lincoln Park community. The
BZA was set to decide on the application this past Wednesday, but
pushed back a final decision until April 10 in order to get more
information from the business. At this point, the record is closed,
but I think members of the BZA have heard loud and clear the support
for Pacci's. Photo credit to The Hill is Home.
Preview Screening of New Shirley Chisholm Film for Shirley
Chisholm Elementary School Families (and Neighbors)
To celebrate the recent renaming of Tyler Elementary to Shirley
Chisholm Elementary School, my office worked with Netflix, the Chisolm
PTA, and Miracle Theater on Barracks Row and school leadership to
coordinate a special screening of a new Netflix documentary about
Shirley Chisholm at the Miracle Theater on March 27 at 6pm. What a
great way to celebrate this change and learn more about the school's
namesake! I'm excited we could make this partnership and special
opportunity come together. Hope to see you there! RSVP
DC TAG Now Open
This year's schedule was delayed, but DC TAG (Tuition Assistance
Grant) is now open and accepting applications. Remember, this builds
off of your FAFSA form, so keep that handy. You
can get all the details here. Please, please don't miss this
deadline -- because it's federal funding, there's very little that can
be done for families who miss the deadline, which is September 6,
The 2024 Great Ward 6 Spring Clean!
I sent out a dedicated email on this (and thanks to
the nearly 200 people who've already RSVP-ed!), but in case you missed
it, the 2024 Great Ward 6 Spring Clean is happening on April 6 from
10-12. This is our third year bringing neighbors together to do a
little spring cleaning across the Ward. RSVP
here to get all the details once we have sites finalized in the
next few days. If you'd like to organize a specific site with your
neighbors, email Kimberly on
my team, and we'll add you to the list!
Zero Waste DC Community Fair
If reducing trash and waste's your thing, don't miss the Zero Waste
DC Community Fair on Saturday, March 30, at 10am in the North Hall at
Eastern Market. The fair will feature DC gov zero waste resources,
sustainable businesses, and recycling and reuse tips and
opportunities. More
Mt. Vernon Triangle Office Hours
Next Friday, March 22, start your weekend with me at Bar Chinois in
Mt. Vernon Triangle (455 I St., NW) for my latest community office
hours. These are informal times when Ward 6 neighbors can chat with me
and my team about any issue, big or small. All are welcome. RSVP
Spirit Tickets!
We know you love a good ticket giveaway. This newsletter, we've got
two tickets to the Spirit v. Bay FC at Audi Field on March 23 at
7:30pm. Just reply to this email, and we'll enter you in the
I'll see you in the Ward!
Charles Allen