Yet, our country has wasted years of tragedies without any action against these deadly weapons of war. I know what it’s like to wait for years for justice – it took years to find the man who killed my mother in our doorway. And so many other gun violence survivors have felt this ache for action not for days or months, but for years.
Friend, New Zealand banned assault weapons five years ago and they haven’t had another mass shooting since.
I want our country to be free of mass tragedy, too. We know how to do it because the assault weapons ban is proven to work – it’s worked for our country before, and it’s long past time to pass this legislation again.
That’s why I’m asking you to speak up today and demand lifesaving action from our lawmakers. We're looking for 2,500 gun violence prevention champions to speak up in fierce support of an assault weapons ban today, before 11:59 p.m. tonight, and your response is missing, friend: