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When Qiyam Ansari was in high school, he was an honor roll student, acted in a musical, captained his Ultimate Frisbee and more. All the while, he had asthma, which he defined as well-managed until his junior year.

Ansari writes in a first-person essay about how an asthma attack, brought on by a temperature inversion, left him almost dead. Today, he found his calling in the Mon Valley, providing people the tools to survive.  

Do you or someone you know have a story to tell like Ansari? PublicSource is currently looking for first-person essay pitches: 
  • About your experience in the Pittsburgh region 
  • Connect your story to a civic issue or solution 
  • Is useful to others 
  • Stirs emotion and empathy
If you have a story that checks these guidelines, pitch us today!

Read more of Ansari's story and the other news from the week below. ⬇️

An asthma attack gave me a mission: Provide people in the Mon Valley with the tools to survive

‘Landfill tea’ steeps fracking waste near suburban communities

PPG, Rosedale Tech encourage women to enter male-dominated careers

Sponsored: The Forbes Funds launches initiatives to empower nonprofits to ‘employ’ emergent technology

Mowgli the friendly cat prompts concerns over releases of strays

Allegheny County’s smallest school district depends on big community spirit 

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