The 25th Annual Day of Silence is going virtual this year. Sign up now and commit to participating on April 24th!


If our team at GLSEN has learned anything over the last few weeks, it’s this: No matter the challenges – or physical distance – our movement will never stop organizing to support and protect LGBTQ youth!

That’s why we’re so excited to share with you that on Friday, April 24th, thousands of students across the country will be participating in the 25th Annual Day of Silence – which will now be a virtually-centered event.

Day of Silence is a national student led protest of the silencing and erasure of LGBTQ people. Join us as we take over social media channels to continue our activism in fighting for LGBTQ inclusion and dignity of LGBTQ students! Click here to sign up now to let us know we can count on you to participate in 2020’s Day of Silence.

As we stay diligent and mindful in spatial distancing, we can continue to socially connect with each other online and with a powerful message.

So this year, in lieu of sending our typical swag, we will be sharing resources, new graphics to use and ideas for how you can engage your GSAs and friend networks in all the exciting action.

And in the coming days and weeks, stay tuned for big announcements regarding the National Breaking the Silence Rally on Instagram Live, Friday, April 24th starting at 3:00PM EST! Trust me: You won’t want to miss out on this.

We’re going to make 2020’s Day of Silence a (virtual) day to remember! Sign up now to let us know that you plan to participate in this historic event.

Remember, we are in this together, even though we are not in person, we will always find ways to stay connected and do this work in solidarity. You are the change makers and I cannot wait to organize and witness your power through trying times! We got this!

In solidarity,

a.t. Furuya (they/them)
GLSEN Youth Programs Manager
[email protected]



GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038| 212-727-0135| [email protected]

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