By C.J. Atkins

Welcome to crisis management via reality TV. President Donald Trump spent a good part of his Sunday bragging about the impressive viewership for his daily Coronavirus Task Force press conferences. The president boasted of how he’s matching the season finale of “The Bachelor” and even competing with “Monday Night Football” on numbers. But while he’s obsessed with how many people are watching him and the other “big stars” on his coronavirus team, as he calls them, the rest of the country was focused on a different number: 100,000 to 200,000.
That’s the possible body count the United States could be facing due to the COVID-19 outbreak, according to the country’s top infectious diseases specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Speaking to CNN on Sunday morning, Fauci said current models are predicting millions of cases of the virus will emerge and as many as a couple hundred thousand people will perish by the time it’s brought under control.
That terrifying toll is no doubt what pushed Trump to finally reverse course on his soft-pedaling of the coronavirus crisis. Following Fauci’s interview, the president essentially backed away from the rosy picture he’s been pitching at his daily TV broadcasts and set a new low bar for his eventual declaration of “victory.”
This weekend’s episode: The Great Reversal
The magical “President’s 15-Day Plan to Slow the Spread” we’ve heard so much about for the past two weeks morphed, without much fanfare, into a 45+ day plan on Sunday as Trump admitted that...