Trump told CNBC he is willing to cut Social Security

Forbes reports, "Trump Backtracks On ‘Cutting’ Social Security And Medicare—Vows He’ll Never ‘Hurt’ Programs"

HE'S LYING. Trump proposed billions in budget cuts to Social Security and Medicare every single year he was President.

President Biden is taking the fight to Trump, using verbatim the top language the PCCC and Data for Progress recommended to the White House for driving contrast on the economy.

This is the fight Democrats need. This sets up one of the top contrasts in 2024 that voters must pay attention to.

SIGN THE PETITION: I support the Democratic plan to protect Social Security from cuts and make billionaires finally pay their fair share of taxes – and I oppose Donald Trump and Republicans’ plan to cut Social Security to pay for tax cuts for billionaires.

Monday, Trump told CNBC that he is willing to cut Social Security – just 4 days after President Biden pledged in his State of the Union to oppose cuts and make the wealthy pay their fair share.

Now, Biden is on offense. In Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Georgia this week, President Biden told supporters, "Republicans will cut Social Security and Medicare to give us more tax cuts for the wealthy." Then he vowed, "Instead of cutting Social Security and Medicare to give tax breaks to the super wealthy, I’m going to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare and make the wealthy begin to pay their fair share."

This week his campaign also released a new ad slamming Trump’s threats to cut Social Security and Medicare – part of a $30 million ad buy across battleground states.

SIGN THE PETITION: I support President Biden and Democrats who want to protect Social Security from cuts and make billionaires finally pay their fair share of taxes.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

– The PCCC Team




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