Dear Challenge Success Community,

At Challenge Success our aspirational aim is that society will value each student for their unique identities, assets, and individual definition of success. We are inspired by our school and district partners who are working hard every day to effectively prepare students for the variety of opportunities and challenges they will encounter in school and beyond. While being a young person today is full of new challenges and stressors beyond our control, the good news is that there are many proactive ways schools can support healthy child and adolescent development that promote both academic success and well-being.

For many students, school is the safe place where they can be themselves, discover what they are excited to learn about, and forge connections they may not have elsewhere. At the same time, we are devastated when we hear news like the tragic death of Nex Benedict and are holding that community in our hearts. As our research has shown, schools play a critical role in the mental health of gender-diverse students, and we remain committed to sharing strategies that center equity, evidence-based protective factors, and the lived experiences of young people.

We can gain insight into young people’s lives by hearing directly from them, and today I am thrilled to share a new offering from our amazing Student Advisory Council as well as several upcoming events. As always, we hope you will reach out to our team if there are ways we can support your community’s work toward well-being, engagement, and belonging for all students.


Megan Pacheco, Executive Director

Future Storytellers Podcast:

Student Mental Health

Free Event: Learn About Our Student Advisory Council

The Vital Role of Joy for Educators

Upcoming Events

Take Action