Hi John,


In less than seven weeks, London votes for a new Mayor and Assembly. Can you help us elect more Greens than ever before?

Support for us is growing. Despite the voting system change and what Sadiq Khan would tell you, Londoners know that voting Green is safe. Not only that - it's necessary. Nobody else takes the climate emergency seriously. Nobody else has as bold a plan for London. This is your chance to back something better.

We've delivered over a million leaflets across our city, and more are flying out of the hands of our leafleters (if you're one of those leafleters - thank you!). We're knocking on doors, persuading voters over to voting Green. We're about to launch our series of online ads, reaching the voters we aren't able to reach with our leaflets. Zo?, our Mayor of London candidate, is performing fantastically on TV and on radio.?

But we need your help.


That's why we're launching our Crowdfunder today. We need to fund those leaflets, carrying the messages on climate, housing, transport and the cost of living that'll convince voters a better future is possible.

Londoners have three votes: for Mayor of London, for a constituency-based Assembly Member, and for the proportional representation London-wide list where, last time, we elected three Assembly Members and were 1.8% off a fourth. We have such a unique opportunity here in London; we cannot waste it.


We know Zo?'s plan for London is popular. We know that voters just need to hear from us in these final few weeks, and that electing Greens is possible. Your donation can make all the difference.


Thank you,


Ash Haynes

London Campaign Manager


Promoted by Danny Keeling on behalf of London Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ .