Join Us April 20th in
Plano, Texas - Register Free Today!

Dear Friend,
As you know the apparitions of Our
Lady of Guadalupe were one of the most inspiring events in the
Catholic history of the Americas and the world. An apparition that set
off a wave of blessings that brought about the conversion of millions
to the Catholic faith in only a few years.
There is an aspect of this history
that is not well known; namely, for more than a thousand years before
the apparitions, Divine Providence was preparing these people for
their conversion in a subtle way, through prophecies and
I would like to invite you to join
us as we take a moment to beautifully explain these significant new
discoveries on the Guadalupe Apparitions and The Flower World
Prophecies as never
revealed before.
For those in the Dallas-Fort Worth
area, Catholic Action will be co-sponsoring a half day conference on
this topic which will be held on Saturday morning, April 20, beginning
at 9:15 and concluding with Mass at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in
Plano, Texas.
Authors Joseph and Monique González
will give a unique insight and share their discoveries of fifteen
years of research on this subject. Their bestselling new
book, Guadalupe and the
Flower World Prophecy is
already on its second printing after selling out in just two
The book, which ranked #1 in four
Amazon categories, vividly describes how God was preparing, for
centuries, the indigenous people to understand and embrace the
astounding historical events of Our Lady’s appearance at Tepeyac in
December 1531, which changed the course of history.
We have seen depictions of the
gloriously fresh flowers that spilled out of Juan Diego’s tilma
revealing the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Come and hear
a new and unique look at Mesoamerican prehistory that lays the
groundwork for a prophetical reinterpretation of the Guadalupe
In this public lecture, Joseph and
Monique will present a fresh explanation of the roughly ten million
indigenous conversions that occurred after the Blessed Mother’s
appearance ― considered the single largest Christian conversion event
in history.
This insight will help you understand
Guadalupe like never before as you learn about:
- The Guadalupe Flower World Prophecies
- God’s salvific plan for the Americas, then and now.
- The Guadalupe Event of 1531
- How this relates to Reconvert a Post-Christian world
I am also pleased to be
one of the presenters at this conference. My part is to give an
account of the Guadalupe apparitions themselves in order to set the
stage for the Gonzalezes’ presentations about the prophecies and the
Registration is Free!
Bring Family and friends
Where: Prince of Peace
Catholic Church 5100 W. Plano Pkwy Plano, TX 75093
When: Saturday, April 20
Registration: 8:30AM
Opening: 9:15AM
Mass: 12:00PM
I look forward to meeting you
in person.
the love of Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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