I’m not like most politicians in Washington, folks. I don’t care much for partisan bickering and I definitely didn’t do this for the lifestyle. I first ran for office because I didn’t see anyone in our government sticking up for folks living in rural Montana.

I thought it was time we made D.C. a little more like Montana -- so, I ran for office (with help from folks like you, of course) and became the only working farmer in the U.S. Senate.

As the Senate’s only working farmer, I’ve never lost touch with my roots back home. And that mindset fuels everything I do. Every day, I roll up my sleeves, reach across the aisle, and get to work for everyday families -- because there are folks back home counting on me to make their lives easier.

And I promise to never stop fighting so people can have access to affordable housing and education, quality health care, and protected public lands.

Now, here’s the part where I ask for your help:

My team is facing our first 2020 FEC filing deadline tomorrow. We’re a bit off track so I’m hoping you can add a donation of any amount that’s meaningful to you before we close the books.


Thank you for anything you’re able to pitch in. But please, only donate if you can afford to do so. I know how difficult this time is for folks. Knowing you opened this email and are part of the team is enough.

— Jon