
We are now just four days out from Election Day. I know our campaign has reached out to you multiple times to ask for your vote and your financial support. While our campaign is confidently looking forward to Election Day, we also aren’t leaving anything to chance.

We need to raise a final $3,962 so we can finish our Get Out the Vote push before Tuesday. Every dollar raised in these last few days will go to reach voters with our commonsense conservative message. Donate here and help us bring this race home! 

For the cause,

Jerry Evans

P.S. You know that running a campaign is a team effort and that no candidate can win on their own. Therefore, I ask you to share this message with your friends, family, and neighbors who wish to join the campaign. A donation of just $40 can help us reach 100 more voters before Election Day. Also, please visit my website at to find out how you can help our movement!

Help Jerry Win on Election Day By Giving Here
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