While Doug’s working hard to help those affected by the Coronavirus, his opponents are also hard at work. But while Doug’s finding common ground and helping people who need it, His opponents are doing the opposite: They’re making increasingly divisive statements, pushing dangerous misinformation, and demonstrating that they are not fit to lead.
If Mitch McConnell had his way, Tommy Tuberville or Jeff Sessions would be in the Senate, and they’d only be making things worse.
Every time Tommy Tuberville and Jeff Sessions have had the chance to reassure the people of Alabama during this challenging time or put out a plan to help, they have demonstrated at best a dangerous lack of knowledge and, at worst, naked self-interest.
Tuberville has called the bipartisan relief package “criminal,” repeatedly denouncing the protections for workers who have seen their jobs cut or hours slashed. He even complained about the delay of Alabama’s runoff election (which would have put voters, poll workers, and election officials at risk)!
And, for his part, Jeff Sessions has been squarely focused on China, parroting dangerous, xenophobic rhetoric about the virus while offering no solutions for the people of Alabama.
Now more than ever, this is a time for Senators who can lead, find common ground, and get things done. That’s what Doug has done since he was sworn in - it’s how he’s attacking this crisis now.
One thing is clear – we need Senators like Doug Jones who aren’t afraid to stand up to Mitch McConnell and demand what’s right for the American people. If you are able, please chip in and make sure we can re-elect Doug Jones this fall.
We are all in this together. Please stay safe.
- Team Doug