Dear Friends,
This week marked Equal Pay Day, which highlights the wage discrimination women across our nation continue to face. In Connecticut’s First, women earn an average of 73 cents to the dollar compared to men, and I am proud to cosponsor Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s Paycheck Fairness Act to finally close the wage gap.
Unfortunately, this issue persists in retirement. Due to historic wage discrimination and time spent away from the workforce to care for children or sick family members, women receive lower Social Security benefits when they retire. On average, women over 65 receive $14,204 in annual income from Social Security compared to $18,108 for men.
My legislation, Social Security 2100, which has the support of nearly 200 House Democrats, would enhance benefits across-the-board, add a caregiver credit, and improve the cost-of-living adjustment to keep pace with inflation, helping to close the gender gap in Social Security. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to protect and strengthen Social Security for the women, seniors, veterans, and children who rely on it.
Should you have any questions or if I can assist you with a federal agency, please contact my District Office at 860-278-8888. To follow what I’m working on both in Washington and in Connecticut, visit my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, or follow me on Instagram.
John B. Larson
Member of Congress