Dear Friends,

You are invited to join advocates from across the U.S. for the Ecumenical Advocacy Days’ summit "Faith in Action: Advancing Human Rights and Peace for All" in Washington, D.C from May 17-19. This year EAD is in-person! The schedule includes workshops, advocacy trainings, and more. You are encouraged to schedule lobbying visits while you are in DC for the summit, and it would be a great opportunity to advocate for the federal End Solitary Confinement Act (click here to learn more about the bill).

Register today for a weekend of reflection, education, and connection with old and new faith colleagues.

Ecumenical Advocacy Days is an annual event focused on advocacy around the many federal policy priorities of the 50 sponsoring Washington, DC-based denominational offices, Catholic entities, and ecumenical and interfaith organizations including NRCAT. 

Read more about Ecumenical Advocacy Days and register.

While Ecumenical Advocacy Days is centered in the Christian tradition, all are welcome to attend.

If you have any questions about the summit or setting up lobbying visits on the End Solitary Confinement Act, you are welcome to contact me at [email protected].


Rev. T.C. Morrow 
Director of Finance & Operations

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
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