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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

Trump’s slandering America as a chaotic hellscape only he can rule

By Will Marshall
Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute
for The Hill

Donald Trump fires up his MAGA legions by telling them Democrats hate America. Like his stolen election lie, it’s a textbook example of projection — charging his opponents with what he’s guilty of.  

If you don’t think Trump detests the nation he aspires to lead, you haven’t been listening. Speaking recently before a rapt gathering of far-right activists, he sketched a nightmarish portrait of a dystopic America overrun by “bloodshed, chaos and violent crime.” 

The nation’s 45th president risibly miscast himself as a “political dissident” bravely standing against “thugs and tyrants and fascists, scoundrels and rogues” who are leading the United States into “servitude and ruin.” 
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The Biden Administration has prioritized promoting competition in the U.S. economy, in which antitrust enforcement and merger control play a central role. The Biden Administration’s strategy is notable in that it differs from other pro-competition administrations. It features leadership sourced from the anti-monopoly movement that emphasizes concern with bigness, generating a robust debate over reconciling enforcement under the existing consumer welfare standard.

A new PPI report unpacks the Biden merger enforcement record based on data across three decades and five political administrations. Author Diana Moss finds that the Biden enforcers are more aggressive based on some metrics of merger enforcement, but lag behind on others.
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RAS Reports

Closing the Funding Gap: Charter Schools in Washington State, ft. State Senator Mark Mullet

On this episode of RAS Reports, PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project Co-Director Tressa Pankovits sits down with Washington State Senator Mark Mullet (D-Issaquah) to discuss his bill S.B. 5809 which is designed to close the funding gap experienced by public charter schools in Washington state.
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Staff Spotlight: Richard Kahlenberg

Richard Kahlenberg
Director of Housing Policy and the American Identity Project

Richard D. Kahlenberg is the Director of Housing Policy at the Progressive Policy Institute, and the Director of the American Identity Project, where he is working on to strengthen American identity through public education. The author or editor of seventeen books, he has expertise in education, civil rights, and equal opportunity. Kahlenberg has been called “the intellectual father of the economic integration movement” in K–12 schooling and “arguably the nation’s chief proponent of class-based affirmative action in higher education admissions.” He is also an authority on teachers’ unions, charter schools, community colleges, housing segregation, and labor organizing.

Kahlenberg’s articles have been published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, and elsewhere. He has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, C-SPAN, MSNBC, and NPR.

Previously, Kahlenberg was a senior fellow at The Century Foundation. a fellow at the Center for National Policy, a visiting associate professor of constitutional law at George Washington University, and a legislative assistant to Senator Charles S. Robb (D-VA). He also serves on the advisory board of the Pell Institute, and the Albert Shanker Institute, and as a professorial lecturer at George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.
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