Friend --

Good news! California Republicans won BIG in the March primary election last week. We are one step closer to taking back the majority and fixing our state.

Senate Republicans have the opportunity to FLIP two Democrat Senate seats and must DEFEND two Republican Senate seats. Here are the top 4 Senate races to watch and how you can get involved:

FLIP Inland Empire District 31: Republican School Board Member Cynthia Navarro showed her strength by winning with only $1,000. Meanwhile, her Democrat opponent Sabrina Cervantes spent over $500,000 and came in second place.

FLIP Orange County District 37: Former Republican Assemblyman Steven Choi is positioned to take out current Democrat Senator Josh Newman. You may remember Newman as the deciding vote for the biggest California gas tax increase in history.

DEFEND Inland Empire District 19: Current Republican Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh WON BIG against a Democrat in the primary.

DEFEND LA County District 23: Former Republican Assemblywoman Suzette Valladares WON BIG against a Democrat in the primary.

California voters have had enough of the failing Democrat establishment and we need to spread our message to WIN back the majority.

We need your help to reach more people. As your Senate Republican Leader, I’m bringing you weekly updates from Sacramento to EXPOSE the Democrat majority. If you know anyone who has had enough of failed policies, corrupt politicians, and broken promises, encourage them to sign up for my email updates.

We’re also running ads to grow our movement and spread the truth. Even just $5 can help get our message in front of 20 persuadable voters. Please consider chipping in $5 to help us win these 4 critical Senate seats.

Together, let's amplify the truth about what's really going on in our state Capitol.

Help us take back the majority by chipping in just $5.

Thank you,

Brian W. Jones

Republican Senate Leader

🚨Please don't click away just yet.🇺🇸

California is in crisis. We’re standing up against Democrat corruption that’s infested our deteriorating state. This is about fixing California.

We're fighting an uphill battle as Democrats have already out-fundraised Republicans by millions💰. With your support of just $5, we can take on the Democrat stronghold in Sacramento and win 4 Senate seats this November. If that sounds worth it to you, please click here to donate $5 to Senate Republicans today and help us fix California. Thank you.

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Brian W. Jones · PO Box 712725, Santee, CA 92072, United States
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