I went to Houston and stood in protest against the golden abortion goddess "Witness" and to support the pro-life students who organized the gathering. Seven hundred of us were there to hear dozens of students take the microphone and express their frustration, pain, and horror that this golden idol is currently displayed at their university.
As night fell, we returned to the area where “Witness” still stands. It is 18-feet-tall golden image facing a large fountain. As I rounded the corner, I could not believe it!
The fountain was blood-red!
 I do not cry easily, but when I saw the spectacle, the air was sucked from my lungs, and my heart swelled with anguish! It was as if the blood of millions of babies was bubbled up as a witness against us!
There's a line to glorifying evil deeds at a public university with public funds, which has been crossed. As a public university, you and I helped pay for this abomination! It is time we say enough is enough! Hundreds gathered on February 28th to express our outrage, but it was not enough. We need more voices to continue the barrage against the evil displayed at our public university.
We will continue our petitions to the university administration and the Texas Governor, firmly stating that we don't want this statute displayed using our taxes and as a “Witness” of our cultural support. We need YOU.
What is even more incredible! Chancellor Khator promised the University of Houston pro-life community that the 18-foot-tall golden abortion goddess would not stand at the University of Houston!
However, "Witness," filled with satanic imagery, NOW gazes over the blood-red fountain in front of the administration building, glorifying the deaths of MILLIONS of aborted children.
The administration not only disregards Houston University's supporters who are pro-life and, through taxes and tuition, fund the university, but also chose to quietly move forward with plans to display the golden abortion goddess AFTER giving a written statement that the idol would not be brought to the University of Houston. Your signature and the signatures of your friends, families, pastors, and priests send a strong message. We won't tolerate this blatant, wicked display. We must continue the growing roar so the university administration does not lazily allow the golden image to remain in hopes that our fury dies down. They MUST keep their word! "Witness" MUST GO!
Sign to bring “Witness,” the golden goddess glorifying abortion, DOWN NOW! Share this petition with your friends, family, and everyone you know, especially Texans! Standing Firm with You, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Please, please share this petition far and wide. We need as many signatures as possible to show Chancellor Khator and the Universtiy of HOuston administration they MUST keep their word! "Witness" MUST come DOWN! Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 The golden statue "Witness," celebrates the death of millions of infants, deserves the same treatment as the statues that promote slavery. The celebration and glorification of bloodshed should have no place in our nation, especially at our public universities. SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
An 18-foot-tall abortion statue called "Witness" will soon be displayed on campus to honor abortion and the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, champion of the death industry. The golden statue, filled with satanic imagery, glorifies abortion, disregarding the beliefs of millions of pro-life supporters, who, through taxes and tuition, fund the University.
Sign our petition now! Demand that the golden abortion statue, "Witness," stay out of publicly funded universities.
This is not just any statue. The artist, Shahzia Sikander, created an abomination with goat-horn braids and tentacle-like arms.
Pro-life groups are rightfully outraged and calling on the University of Houston to cancel its plans for the display of this satanic idol. Ironically, the statue is scheduled to be displayed at the Cullen Family Plaza; starting February 28th.

Add your name to our petition and tell Houston University and Texas officials to keep the satanic abortion idol out of our publicly funded universities!
The war on traditional values is raging, especially at American universities. It's completely biased for university administrations to fund, support, and display a golden statue commemorating abortion with money from students, faculty, and boosters who support the right to life. This statue, which celebrates the death of millions of infants, deserves the same treatment as those who promoted slavery. The celebration and glorification of bloodshed should have no place in our nation, especially at our public universities. If we lose this battle, the statue will stand as a witness to the crimes committed against the unborn while calling for more bloodshed.
But if we win this campaign, we can remove this golden idol from the public square and defend the rights of millions of innocent lives. Time is running out. The statue will begin its descent upon Texas in a few days.
By signing our petition, you can help ensure that this statue doesn't see the light of day in Houston or a public university campus.
Join us in this fight and sign our petition calling on Renu Khator, Greg Abbot, Eloise Brice, Dona Hamilton Cornell, and Lisa K. Holdeman to keep the golden statue "Witness" out of publicly funded universities. Sincerely, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. After signing, please share this petition with as many people as possible, especially with Texans!