FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 14, 2024 Contact: DNR Office of Communications [email protected]
Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine Welcomes Spring
 The spring issue of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine is now available in print and online. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis. ? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that the spring issue of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine is now available in print and online. The latest edition has what you need to enjoy spring in Wisconsin, from state road trips?to rain garden planting tips and more.
Informative stories include details on how to help migrating birds on their way to Wisconsin breeding grounds, how to volunteer for frogs and toads, and how to improve your spring cleaning by making it more sustainable and better for the environment.
In the cover story, ?DNR On The Inside,? you?ll learn about the important work happening behind the scenes at the DNR on behalf of Wisconsin?s natural resources.
And there?s plenty of other great content in the spring issue:
Tackling the tackle box: With another fishing season just around the corner, it?s a great time to stock your tackle box so you?ll be ready when the fish start to bite.
Support Wisconsin's birds: Get involved on behalf of birds with the annual Great Wisconsin Birdathon, a fun fundraiser from the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin.
Recycle right: Not everything can be recycled as we might sometimes hope; learn what you can and can?t put in your curbside bin.
Great Lakes fish: Wisconsin fish makes a great catch, and chef Stef Endres of Simply Food Styling knows how to cook it. Her delicious recipes will help you enjoy these tasty fish all season.
Wonderful wood violets: Wisconsin?s state flower brightens the spring landscape and plays an important role for pollinators.
Seedling starters: Get a head start on the growing season with an easy, kid-friendly project to start seeds indoors.
The DNR and the history of dry cleaning: World War II changed dry cleaning operations by bringing different chemicals into play. When those changes eventually led to health concerns and contamination, it was time for the DNR to take action.
You can find the digital edition of Wisconsin Natural Resources online at Or subscribe to the print edition, one year (four issues) for just $8.97. Call 1-800-678-9472 or go to to sign up, renew or give a gift today.