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Improve your FOI know-how

and more news from mySociety

March 2024

A woman typing on a tablet in a public space

We are sharing so much FOI knowledge

We're two seminars down in the Freedom of Information for Campaigning and Advocacy series, and there's still more to come.

The good news is, you can access all the sweet, sweet knowledge that's been imparted
so far, either by watching the seminars on video, or by reading our summaries.

Getting the most from FOI

Seminar 1 rattled through a bunch of tips for maximising the chances of getting the results you want from FOI. Revisit it here.

Telling stories with FOI data

In seminar 2, three experts told us how to make sure that, once the responses are in, your findings reach a wide audience. Enjoy it all over again right here.

Join us at the next FOI seminar

We'll be looking at how to change disparate FOI responses into clean datasets that help support your campaigning or advocacy, with Maya Esslemont from After Exploitation, and Kay Achenbach from Open Data Institute. Reserve your spot by signing up on Eventbrite.

Book your free spot here
Inside parliament

Gaza ceasefire votes

Time moves fast in politics, so the difficulties around Parliament's vote on a Gaza ceasefire last month may now be little more than a blurred memory for some.

Importantly though, it brought up some notable points on parliamentary procedure, around both Opposition Day votes, and how to record 'voice votes' on TheyWorkForYou. Our blog post explains it all in simple terms.

Help us send you the emails you want to read

We do a lot of different things here at mySociety, and we appreciate that not everyone will be interested in every single part of it.

So if you've got a minute, please tell us a bit more about yourself, and we'll work towards sending you the stuff you really want to read.

In case you missed it: Local Intelligence Hub 

Our latest project, the Local Intelligence Hub, is already proving useful to organisations working nationally or locally on climate, nature and environmental issues.

The national picture: Take a look at the map page to explore questions like, "Which areas of the country are concerned about paying energy bills, and have high support for onshore wind power? Or: "Which constituencies have high levels of deprivation and a strong climate activist network?" You can combine multiple questions like these to focus in on the areas where your work will have the most impact.

If you work locallytype in your postcode to head to your constituency page, where you can discover information about your MP, public opinion, factors like air or river pollution… and lots more.

What do the forthcoming boundary changes mean to you? We've covered that here.

The Local Intelligence Hub was created in partnership with the Climate Coalition and with support from Green Alliance. Coming soon: Local Authorities!

Local Intelligence Hub map page showing some areas shaded in orange
Local Intelligence Hub page for the Devizes constituency
National view
Constituency view

Call for proposals: closes 22 March

TICTeC banner showing happy scenes of activity at previous editions of the conference

We want to hear about your project at TICTeC this year! if you've got hands-on experience of building or using civic tech around climate or democracy, do consider submitting a proposal for a presentation or workshop.

Join the TICTeC buzz

It's been a while since we ran an in-person TICTeC — you might have forgotten the joy of it, beyond the opportunities for learning and sharing. So much happens between sessions: new connections are made, discussions take flight and, dare we say, friendships are forged! Don't miss out: book your tickets to join us in London now.

A selection of mySociety's useful websites

Are you a higher rate taxpayer?

If so, by making a donation to mySociety at the end of the financial year, you’ll not only feel good about giving us vital support — you can also benefit by claiming back the tax on your charitable donations.

Head to our secure donate page: together we can make society fairer, by improving transparency, repowering democracy and tackling the climate emergency.

Donate now

What we're reading 

  • Our US pals at Muckrock have put out a guide to researching political candidates ahead of elections — much of which can also be applied over here.
  • Trains? Maps? We're here for it.
  • "The space between techno-optimism and reality [...] is where delivery takes place, services are transformed, and innovation becomes reality." People first, always.
  • Geeks For Social Change are hiring in Greater Manchester — but will remove this advert as soon as the position is filled, so be quick!
  • You don't always have to be a British citizen to vote in UK elections: see where you can vote on this new website from Citizens UK, Migrant Democracy Project and Just Register.
  • Roads are 'the nexus of history, geography, travel, and government, a seemingly perfect subject for the hyper-fixations of Wikipedia'. And yet.

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Image credits: Person at laptop - Christina at wocintechUK Parliament – Central Lobby 
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