With Kyrsten Sinema out of the race, the next US senator from Arizona will either be Democratic Congressman Ruben Gallego or Trump supporting, election-denying, anti-choice Republican extremist Kari Lake.

Now, Ruben just launched his 1st TV ad of the campaign. In it, Ruben speaks directly to Arizonans, telling them about his upbringing, his experience serving in combat as a Marine in Iraq, standing up to Wall Street and Big Pharma, and fighting for abortion rights, clean water, affordable housing, and more.

Can you chip in to Ruben Gallego's US Senate campaign to get this TV ad in front of as many Arizona voters as possible?

The most recent polls show this race could go either way. What each one of us does can have a HUGE impact. To volunteer with Ruben Gallego's campaign, sign up here. You can help from home from anywhere in the country!

If Ruben wins in Arizona, Democrats are much more likely to keep control of the Senate and the White House. If he loses and Trump wins, Trump will likely have a Republican Congress eager to help him destroy our democracy, attack the rights of women and others, and cut Social Security to pay for tax cuts for billionaires.

Ruben Gallego has a long history of defending democracy and fighting for progressive causes. Ruben will vote to bypass the filibuster to protect abortion access, expand voting rights, and more. And he has a proven track record of electability in Arizona – a state that proved in 2020 and 2022 that real Democrats can win statewide.

Kari Lake is a right-wing extremist who supports an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest, endorsed Trump's "Big Lie" in 2020, and to this day refuses to concede her own election loss in 2022 by more than 17,000 votes.

Chip in to Ruben’s campaign to get his new TV ad in front of Arizona voters here.

And, sign up to volunteer with Ruben's campaign here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

– The PCCC Elections Team




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