This is THE defining issue of our time. History will not look kindly on those who turned their back on the majority of Americans who are calling for common-sense gun reform.

Tell Mitch: History is watching. It’s time for Mitch to do the job he was elected to do and protect our communities. Sign Josh’s petition right now.

Thank you,
Team Gottheimer

--- Original Message ---

Our communities are in danger. People are scared to enter crowded spaces; they’re afraid to attend concerts; they’re terrified of going to services at their churches, synagogues and mosques. Make no mistake -- this is terrorism.

And if this terrorism had a different face, Mitch McConnell would do the right thing and take the necessary steps to protect our communities. But because the NRA controls McConnell, we’re trapped in a holding pattern of “thoughts and prayers.”

Join me in calling on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to do his job NOW. He needs to call an emergency session and vote through universal background checks and an assault-rifle ban.

I was proud to support common-sense gun violence reform in the House. Now, we need our Senate Majority Leader to step up and do the job he was elected to do.

Mitch needs to stop holding the Senate hostage for his own personal gain. It’s time to call a special session and push common-sense gun reform through immediately.

Thanks for your support,
Josh Gottheimer





Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress

Paid for by Josh Gottheimer for Congress
PO Box 584
Ridgewood NJ 07451 United States