If I win one of both of these nominations it will go GO TIME. We'll need to prepare for big spending to reach voters.

I needed to bump this for you and add an update.

Yesterday, Ken Buck announced that he is vacating his seat at the end of next week and it triggered a special election that will take place on June 25th  — the same day as the Colorado primary.

If I win one or both of these nominations it will be GO TIME. We'll need to prepare for big spending to reach voters.

Rush an emergency donation so that we can prepare for this snap election and flip this seat BLUE!



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Folks, this race keeps getting more interesting every day. Ken Buck has just announced that he will vacate his seat in Congress at the end of next week, rather than serve out his term through January 2025.

We don’t yet know what this means for our race, but it’s possible we could have a special election to replace Buck in the immediate future, followed by another election in November. That could mean we have a chance to elect John and flip this seat NOW.

Rush a donation to John’s campaign so we can capitalize on this news.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The GOP currently holds a five-seat majority but there are already THREE vacancies, and Ken Buck will make a fourth. This is one of the slimmest majorities in history, and we have a chance to end Lauren Boebert’s political career and flip this seat immediately.

We can’t afford to wait around, because you know Boebert and the GOP are already scrambling to respond to this. We need to raise $10,000 by tonight to start running ads letting folks know what’s coming.

Regardless of what happens with this news, we need to put John at the forefront of this race. Rush an emergency donation to his campaign to help us raise $10,000 by the end of the day.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Padora Rapid Response

I'm John Padora, a Democrat running for Congress in CD-04. Lauren Boebert recently jumped into my district in a desperate attempt to stay in DC. 

My campaign is powered by grassroots donations - donate anything you can monthly to keep Boebert OUT of this seat.   


Paid for by Padora for Colorado

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John Padora , PO Box 116, Severance, CO 80546