John, this month marks 13 years of war in Syria.
They’ve changed everything for children.
Airstrikes and shells started raining down on Marah’s* country before she was even born. Twice they forced her family to flee home – which meant leaving school behind, too.
“I loved studying a lot,” the aspiring teacher remembers. “But I was deprived of it due to the bombings.”
Marah lives in a refugee camp now, where she attends class in a tent. The trek there is muddy and clouded by fog – but learning keeps her dreams alive. “I hope to teach second grade mathematics,” she says.
This anniversary is a tragic reminder: Syria’s children still need lifesaving support. Will you send a message to fight for it?
John, crisis is deepening by the day – leaving 71% of Syria’s population in need of humanitarian aid.
Without it, their survival is no guarantee. The latest escalation in violence has cut families off from the most basic resources, like power, water and healthcare.
Nearly 13 million people are facing hunger, and countless kids are missing out on education. Their mental health is being pushed to the limit as threats of death, destruction and displacement close in.
John, children like Marah are more resilient than we could ever imagine – but this devastation has to end. Please, speak up today.
Thanks for being a voice for kids,