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200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-433-8990 • (
** Editor's Note:
Having "health centers" in K-12 schools might sound innocent and even positive to unsuspecting parents, but old-fashioned school nurses are no longer a part of the equation. As Tony Kinnett ([link removed]) describes, Parents Defending Freedom is reporting shocking revelations about the subversive means by which Planned Parenthood, Reproduction for All, and the American Federation of Teachers, among other extremist groups, are pushing SBHCs to offer harmful interventions while hiding their activities from parents. We must be vigilant in stopping this Trojan horse. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Investigation Reveals Gender, Abortion Services Masquerading as Health Centers in K-12 Schools
March 13, 2024
A trend of installing “health centers” in K-12 public schools has led to students being offered disturbing services without parental knowledge or consent, an investigation by a leading parental rights group has found.
Progressive education activists claim that so-called school-based health centers and other “wrap-around services” improve academic performance and behavior by giving students daily access to mental and health services on campus.
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This fun answer-and-question is an easy way to learn about the U.S. Constitution and appropriate for all ages. All Americans should understand the individual rights that our Constitution guarantees. 120-pages — Anne Schlafly
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