![]() John, Right now, some of the last remaining mature and old-growth forest in Wisconsin's Northwoods is being logged. The Fourmile logging project just started, covering 12,000 acres of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.1 We shouldn't be logging the last old stands of trees we have in America. Here are just a few reasons why this logging project needs to be stopped: As logging gets underway in Wisconsin's Northwoods, mature and old-growth trees are piled up to be sold off as lumber and pulp. According to the U.S. Forest Service, there's an "overabundance of older age" trees east of the Eagle River and it needs to be managed.2 But really, lots of old trees isn't a bad thing -- it's the sign of a healthy ecosystem and these trees should be left alone. The Fourmile logging project is deliberately cutting down our oldest trees. More than half the trees marked for logging are more than 80 years old.3 There are only a fraction of the old-growth and mature trees left from the vast forests that once covered our country. We shouldn't be logging our oldest forests. From soaring bald eagles to tree-climbing black bears to leaping snowshoe hares, abundant wildlife make their homes among this old forest. Great blue herons nest in its pine trees. Elusive martens dart through the pine boughs too.4 The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest is an important home for many sensitive species including Canada lynx, red-shouldered hawks, rusty-patched bumblebees, monarch butterflies, northern long-eared bats and wood turtles.5 We can't let logging keep chipping away at their homes. One-third of the trees set to be logged by this project are 100 years or older.6 These are pine, birch, aspen, hemlock and maple trees that have been growing longer than we've been alive, but soon they'll be reduced to pulp. The sound of the breeze through the towering trees is like a cathedral. These trees are just too special to log. Our old-growth and mature forests are under attack around the country. Unfortunately, this is just one example of the many older national forests on the chopping block -- and it's the latest reminder of how quickly we need to act to stop logging from cutting down even more mature and old-growth trees. Protecting our oldest trees from logging is one of Environment America's top priorities. We're calling on the U.S. Forest Service to let trees grow old and stop logging projects that target our precious mature and old-growth trees. Recently, our national network and allies delivered 120,000 comments to the Forest Service to stop logging projects like the Fourmile project in Wisconsin. Together, we can keep building the public support needed to save our oldest forests. Thank you, Wendy Wendlandt Your donation will be used to support all of our campaigns to protect the environment, from saving the bees and protecting public lands, to standing up for clean water and fighting climate change. None of our work would be possible without supporters like you. |
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