Cruz Migrates to Five-Star Hotel For the Winter
John, Ted Cruz is at it again. Just when you thought it was impossible that the man could be more infuriating, he jokingly tweeted about the wintry weather in Texas, telling his constituents "if it gets too damn cold, join me in Cancun!"
While hundreds of his constituents were literally dying in the winter of 2021, Cruz was **vacationing in the five-star Ritz Carlton** in Cancun. For many politicians, this would be considered a real low point in their career. A moment in which to reflect upon their leadership and ask themselves if they could have acted differently, **would 250 lives not have been lost due to bad weather?**
Instead, Ted **Cruz tries to "own" his Cancun vacation**, repeatedly referencing it each winter. Here he is tweeting in 2022 about inflated ticket costs:
What a spectacular lack of empathy. Cruz is the embodiment of callous Republican policies and attitudes, and the resulting image is an absolute slime of a man. His million dollar family vacation is **surely not paid out of his senator's salary -- officially only $174,000 a year.**
But, of course, if a senator avoids such petty qualms as morals and insider trading regulations, they stand to make far, far more than six digits. It's obvious that Cruz takes some kind of honor in being a part of this corrupt class.
Perhaps he's trying out the Trump tactic of wearing his crimes on his sleeves in the hope that his shamelessness will inspire others to ignore his misdeeds. If so, **Ted Cruz, you're out of luck, because everyone is keeping score. **
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