From Lucas Tyree Kunce <>
Subject This email is long, but I hope you’ll take time to read it.
Date March 12, 2024 10:56 PM
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[1]Lucas Kunce for U.S. Senate


I’m running for U.S. Senate because I want everyday Missourians to call
the shots in our country — not giant corporations or the cowards like Josh
Hawley they’ve bought off in Washington. This email is long, but I hope
you’ll take some time to read it:

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When I came home between deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, it was clear
to me that Missouri is on the frontlines of the fight for power in our

While communities like mine all across our state were stripped for parts,
corrupt politicians like Josh Hawley attacked workers with anti-union
schemes like “Right-to-Work” and fought to block wage increases for
Missouri families — all to enrich multinational corporations and
mega-donors who bankroll their campaigns and their careers.

They helped Wall Street financiers sell off our farmland to billionaires
in China and Brazil — devastating rural communities and contributing to
the closure of 90% of Missouri hog producers in a single generation.

One of Missouri’s oldest and largest employers, Anheuser-Busch, was sold
to a Belgian conglomerate — costing Missouri more than a thousand jobs.

Missouri-based Monsanto, one of the world’s most important agrochemical
and biotechnology companies, was sold to Germany — eliminating even more

And as dozens more headquarters have been taken out of state, politicians
in power like Josh Hawley were happy to sit back and watch it happen.

Manufacturing, agriculture, production — they’re shipping it all away to
foreign oligarchs who don’t care about working people in our state. And
while our communities were getting gutted, these same politicians voted
time and time again to spend trillions of dollars and thousands of lives
on overseas wars that got their Big Oil friends rich.

These politicians have spent decades sparking phony culture wars to
distract and divide our families. They’ve become so obsessed with
controlling our lives, they made Missouri the first state in the nation to
ban abortion — without exceptions for victims of rape or incest.

Our state deserves a Senator who will stand up and fight for it — and I’m
ready to serve. [ [link removed] ]So if you’re ready to elect a real warrior for working
people to Missouri’s U.S. Senate seat, will you please rush a donation of
any amount toward my grassroots campaign today?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your
contribution instantly:

[ [link removed] ]Contribute $10
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $25
[ [link removed] ]Give another amount

We aren’t fighting the corporate status quo just to make a point, either.
This is a race we really can win.

Our values have won at the ballot box in Missouri for referendums that go
beyond what’s happening nowadays in Washington, or even what political
elites in Jefferson City are willing to allow.

For the last three election cycles, Missouri voters have side-stepped our
politicians by voting to increase the minimum wage well above the federal
level, expand health care, repeal an anti-worker “Right-to-Work” scheme,
legalize weed, and enact more protections against political corruption
with wide margins.

[ [link removed] ]The Missouri AFL-CIO is an election-winning coalition in Missouri -
defeating 'Right-to-Work' in 2018 by more than 20 points.

So now, we’re building a record-breaking, people-powered movement to
defeat Josh Hawley and take this Senate seat back for working Missourians.

Together, we’re going to stop printing money for Wall Street and start
funding our schools enough to get Missouri out of last place for starting
teacher pay.

We’re going to abolish corporate PACs and demand a government that
safeguards our democracy and holds corrupt politicians accountable.

We’re going to take back Missouri farmland for Missouri farmers and start
manufacturing essential drugs right here in America.

We’re going to build an economy that puts American workers and small
businesses in charge, not giant corporations and foreign oligarchs — an
economy that invests in putting America first in the next generation of
energy, semiconductors, and supply chain independence.

We’re going to put an end to pointless, trillion-dollar wars and invest in
a Marshall Plan for the Midwest — a historic investment in our workers and
communities to rebuild our forgotten towns and cities, and to finally
start making stuff in America again.

And we’re going to finally put everyday Missourians in charge of their own
neighborhoods, workplaces, and bodies.

It’s time to take our power back — and we can’t do it without your
support. [ [link removed] ]So please, will you rush a donation of absolutely any amount
to my campaign today? I’m not taking a cent from corporate PACs in this
race so you’ll always know I’m fighting for everyday, working people in
the U.S. Senate.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your
contribution instantly:

[ [link removed] ]Contribute $10
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $25
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $30
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $50
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $100
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $250
[ [link removed] ]Give another amount

Thank you for everything,

Now let’s get moving,



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Paid for by Lucas Kunce for Missouri.

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.
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