Hey there — Today marks Women’s Equal Pay Day, the day that highlights just how hard women in America have to work in order to earn as much as their male peers earned in the previous year.
Because of pay gaps across industries and the evisceration of workers’ rights in the workplace, women by and large earn approximately 80% of what men make across the country. That’s why I’m a proud co-sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act, which updates the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and would finally make equal pay a reality for everyone in this country, regardless of gender.
Team — I’m fighting for a future where everyone is paid what they deserve. If you’re with me, will you pitch in right now to help our team meet this week’s deadline so we can build a pro-worker majority in the House and put an end to the gender wage gap?
By strengthening worker and union protections, we can take actionable steps towards closing the gender pay gap
for good. As a trade unionist myself, I've seen the role strong unions play in helping women across the country get equal pay, better benefits, workplace safety, and respect on the job.
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The proof is in the numbers — according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in all 50 states, women in unionized workforces out-earn their non-union counterparts.
And on top of that, women in unionized positions have stronger employer benefits, including employer-sponsored pension or retirement plans, and a full-range of accessible and affordable healthcare.
Right now we have the most pro-worker President we’ve had in generations, and we’re only a few seats away from a pro-worker House majority that will protect our rights in the workplace.
But in order to get there, we have to defend every seat we already have, including mine right here in IL-13. So please, will you pitch in before the end of this week to help us stay on track?
Thanks — together we can ensure that women in Central and Southern Illinois and across the country have the right to organize for better pay, better conditions, and the benefits they deserve.
— Nikki