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ISIS Prisoners Released Because … Corona?
Something just isn't adding up
The ‘Other’ Virus
Let's apply the same principles to the virus of radicalization
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Honor Culture Prevents Corona Treatment, Quarantine
Families say it's 'shameful' for them to stay alone outside the home
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COVID-19: Neo-Nazis Capitalize on Crisis
Podcast with the former commander of the largest Nazi party in the US
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Readers Write
White Supremacists Planning to Weaponize Coronavirus
“What makes people actually think this is fake? Obviously you have missed many videos of people spitting on food and other people. There are some very sick people out there -- just be aware.”
- M.B.
Linda Sarsour Touts Corona Fundraiser for Terror-Tied Org
“Why do we permit this?”
- W.L.R.
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