Holy Masses St. Joseph Novena - Submit Your Intentions
took St. Joseph for my patron and advocate, and I recommend myself
unceasingly to his protection. I do not remember ever to have asked
anything of him that I did not obtain.” ~ St. Teresa of

Dear Friend,
On Day
2 of our Novena to St.
Joseph, we reflect on our patron’s power as an intercessor for us in
heaven. Great saints like Teresa of Avila had full trust in Joseph’s
concern for each individual’s wellbeing – and with good reason. Why
would Joseph not express a diligent care for all the sons and
daughters of the Church? He raised the Son of God!
Here is Day Two of the Nine-Day Novena:
That deep love for Christ’s
faithful is an expression of St. Joseph’s love for the Church as a
whole, the Mystical Body of Christ. Joseph had custody of the sacred
human Body of the Child Jesus; he cared for Him as diligently as all
good fathers on earth could possibly care for their beloved
We are not only sons and daughters
of the Church but children of Joseph in a special way due to his
fatherhood of Christ. So, we turn to him in all our needs with the
confidence of St. Teresa of Avila in his intercession. Joseph will
never disappoint us!
If you haven’t already done so,
please sign up to receive the Nine Day Novena by submitting your
intentions. St. Joseph will be favorable to all who ask his
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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