Grizzlies' must not lose federal protection.
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Grizzly with cub

Hi John,

Idaho's assault on wildlife has ratcheted up — and this time it's grizzlies in the crosshairs.

The state is doing all it can to strip grizzlies of federal protection and open up trophy hunts. Wyoming and Montana are aiming to wipe out these bears, too.

We won't let it happen.

Please give to the Saving Life on Earth Fund and help us keep grizzlies from harm.

Grizzlies across the lower 48 are protected by the Endangered Species Act. These bears were once killed off entirely from coast to coast and today remain in only 6% of their historical range.

But anti-wildlife forces in the northern Rockies haven't given up on eradicating them. Idaho sued to have federal protection taken away from all grizzlies in the lower 48, while Montana and Wyoming filed petitions specifically targeting bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Northern Continental Divide.

The Center for Biodiversity will go to court if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service bows before these bloodthirsty states and puts grizzlies back in harm's way.

We've won for the bears before. When they lost protection and Montana scheduled a trophy hunt, we rushed to court and got it stopped.

If states like Idaho get their way, grizzlies could be in the crosshairs as soon as next year. It takes endless vigilance to save wildlife on the brink — and that's what the Center was created for.

Grizzlies are icons of the wild. But in some areas, including ones where their protection now hangs in the balance, deaths of grizzlies from human-related causes has doubled or tripled.

When management of wildlife is returned to states, we know what happens. More animals die and species inch closer to extinction.

That's why grizzlies need federal protection, and it's why we're standing on guard for them. We can't return to the days — just decades ago — when they nearly winked out.

But we need your help to keep up our watch.

Please give today to the Saving Life on Earth Fund.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's swift and continued action to save wildlife. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Photo of grizzly with cub by Frank van Manen / USGS

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Center for Biological Diversity
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Tucson, AZ 85702
United States