Your weekly Indivisible Newsletter Indivisibles,
MAGA’s plan to install Christian Nationalism as the law of the land, dubbed Project 2025, is the terrifying end game we are fighting desperately to prevent this election.
If you haven’t been following along, late in February, Politico’s Alexander Ward and Heidi Przybyla wrote a great piece documenting how Trump plans to “infuse Christian nationalist ideas in his administration” if he’s elected president again. Then last week, The Bucks County Beacon published an online manifesto they uncovered, “The Statement on Christian Nationalism,” that further breaks down exactly what these MAGA extremists are looking to achieve.
It includes statements that:
- “All truth claims and ethical standards must be tested by God’s final Word, which is Scripture alone.”
- God ordained “civil magistrates” who have the “lawful authority to punish civil crimes”
- “We deny any theology which claims that bringing God’s Word into the civil sphere is… anything other than fitting and required.”
- Their policy priorities include “to abolish abortion” and “to define marriage as the covenant union of a biological male (and) a biological female.”
- Lower magistrates may disobey higher magistrates such as “state governments…must disregard any order, statute, or ruling from a higher magistrate -- such as the Federal government -- instructing them to allow abortion.”
And that’s just a sampling of their extremism.
This election is not just about Trump as a serial crook, harasser, and insurrectionist, it is about one of the very foundational premises of American society -- the separation of church and state.
Religious oppression is a core aspect of Project 2025, but these extremists do not represent all or even most of Christianity. They are a tiny fraction of extremists who bill themselves as Christians but position themselves to be dictators. With a second Trump presidency, they would have the ability to install their extremist members in key positions of power.
This is why we’re fighting back. This is why we’re organizing. Because Trump is terrible on his own, but if he is able to install these Christian Nationalists into positions of power we are looking at a level of state-sanctioned oppression this country has not seen in this century.
It’s up to us to stop it.
With that, here are your weekly to-dos:
Your 5 weekly to-dos
- Sign up to defend democracy from Trump with Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA. Our Project 2024 was made in direct opposition to MAGA’s horrific Project 2025. This new electoral program will ensure Indivisibles all across the country have the opportunity to make a difference in the highest-priority races this cycle and prevent a MAGA catastrophe from taking place. This will include tactics like phonebanking, postcarding, and direct-to-voter texting along with our groundbreaking community conversation strategy: Neighbor2Neighbor. Sign up to be the first to know when we launch our tools in your area.
- Call your senator and demand they protect IVF access nationwide. The MAGA agenda did not just stop at repealing Roe. They intend to ban contraception, IVF, gender-affirming care, marriage equality, and more. Sen. Tammy Duckworth has introduced the Access to Family Building Act, a bill that would enshrine access to IVF and related services as a federal right, protecting both would-be families and their medical providers. If your senator is a Democrat, call and make sure they are a cosponsor. If your senator is a Republican, tell them to put their money where their mouth is, pass this bill, and actually support families.
- If your representative is a Democrat, demand they oppose all extreme MAGA policy riders. Congress passed half of a government funding package last Friday, but the other half of the package faces a March 22 deadline. House Republicans will not be able to pass anything without significant Democratic support. As the most-extreme wing of the Republican party tries to hold everyone hostage and attach dangerous riders to funding the government, we must ensure Democrats stay in line and push them to sign a clean funding bill.
- If you have a Democratic senator (or two!), demand they oppose all extreme MAGA policy riders. What sort of things are those MAGA extremists trying to include in a government funding bill? Attacks on reproductive freedom, the LGBTQ+ community, and vulnerable asylum seekers; rollbacks of gun violence prevention policies; and more. We cannot allow our Democratic senators to give in to these extreme demands.
- Write an LTE about the MAGA plan to privatize Medicare. Trump intends to make Medicare Advantage the default program for all newly eligible Medicare participants. Medicare Advantage plans regularly deny coverage for essential care and patients covered by it are more likely to die in the month following major cancer surgeries than patients who have traditional Medicare. What does that mean: Republicans would put our lives in jeopardy to line the pockets of private investors. Write an LTE today to let people know about Trump’s latest threat.
P.S. We rely on grassroots supporters to help fund the tools Indivisibles use on a daily basis -- including the call pages and LTE tools on your to do list! If you're able, pitch in today to help fund our work and keep this movement going.
Call for a Humanitarian Ceasefire
**Content Warning: Talk about the current humanitarian crisis in Israel and Palestine. Jump to the line break if you need to avoid this topic.** |
Last week, President Biden announced an initiative to build a temporary pier on the Gaza shore to enable more humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinian people. During the State of the Union Address he stated:
More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Most of whom are not Hamas. Thousands and thousands are innocent women and children. Girls and boys also orphaned. Nearly 2 million more Palestinians under bombardment or displaced. Homes destroyed, neighborhoods in rubble, cities in ruin. Families without food, water, medicine. It’s heartbreaking.
Unfortunately, this effort won’t be operational for weeks, and according to Politico, Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to “defy Biden’s ‘red line’ on Rafah” -- signaling, once again, that an escalation into a ground campaign in Rafah could begin any day now.
We cannot allow this to happen. The Biden Administration, and the international community at large, have rightfully taken the position that any ground invasion of Rafah would take an already disastrous humanitarian condition and push it further to an all out catastrophe.
Any ground invasion in Rafah will endanger the hostages still being held by Hamas alongside the over one million people who were pushed into the region with the promise of safety.
A ceasefire is the only solution that brings us closer to the safe return of the hostages, a stop to the killing, and the free access to aid that the Palestinian people so desperately need. Now’s the time to contact your Members of Congress before this crisis becomes even worse.
IndivisiWin of the Week

Indivisibles in Arizona got a chance to meet VP Harris last week.
Indivisible Civics

RSVP to our Powering Progress and Truth Brigade joint Persuasion to Power Call -- Combatting Disinfo Through Education in Persuasion Conversations with Dr. David Campt this Wednesday, March 13 at 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT. Our Powering Progress campaign is teaming up with the Indivisible Truth Brigade to bring you the best strategies for fighting disinformation in 2024. In this session, White Ally Toolkit Workbook author and founder of The Dialogue Company, Dr. David Campt will provide hands-on instruction in how to open persuadable hearts and minds -- and even heal divisions among friends -- through dialogue. You’ll learn who to talk to, practice how to have meaningful conversations, and leave with the confidence to bring people along with us.

Register for our **RESCHEDULED** education series event -- Persuasion to Power: Know Your Audience with Loretta Ross on Wednesday, March 20 at 8pm ET/5pm PT. Everyone we speak to, whether neighbor, friend, community member, or family, carries a slightly different set of values and expectations. In organizing conversations, it’s up to us to listen well and make strategic, thoughtful assessments of how to move our goals forward by taking into account the other person’s responses. We’ll learn from veteran activist Loretta Ross about how we can assess and adjust our communication approaches based on the person we’re talking to and how closely they already align with our goals.
Follow us on Facebook, Mastodon, Threads, and Instagram to keep up on the latest information, and text “INDIVISIBLE” to 59798 to opt-in to our text messaging program, where we send rapid response actions a few times a month.
On this four-year anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope that you are all healthy, happy, and thriving. We have made it through one of the most difficult four-year periods in modern history, and we’re so glad to still be fighting by your side.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team