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Women’s History Month Trailblazers: During March 2024, Blue Amp Action is highlighting several female candidates around the country who we believe deserve a spotlight on their campaigns. Today, we’re shining a light on Dr. Pamela Pugh who is running for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District. 


This is Dr. Pamela Pugh. I’m reaching out to you today as a fellow Democrat activist. 

Here’s my big news: I've stepped up to run for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District in 2024 – one of the 21 toss-up districts around the country that will decide if Democrats take back the House in 2024. 

As a candidate, I have decades of public service and advocacy experience that I can use to win over the hearts and minds of voters: I was the Chief Public Health Official tasked with cleaning up the Flint Water Crisis, and have led the fight to end childhood lead poisoning in Michigan at the state capitol. 

Years of Republican-controlled government and “Emergency Managers” in Michigan have particularly harmed our state’s education system and environment, and I’ve had to lead the fight to clean up the mess. Now, I’m ready to help fix the MAGA mess in the House of Representatives. 

Now that I’ve explained a bit about my campaign and why I’m running. Now, I’m going to ask for your personal endorsement in this race.

Now, here’s a bit more about my home district that I’m running in:

1. This will be a "toss-up" level competitive race in November according to the Cook Political Report. So, we need a Democrat who has deep experience like I do working on the issues people are passionate about: I am working hard to do what it takes to win this campaign, so I can take my expertise in public health, education, and environmental science to Congress to fight for working Michiganders.

2. I’ve won contested elections in this district before. I’ve been on the State Board of Education since 2014, and currently serve as the President. I won re-election in 2022 with over 2 million votes statewide. 

Next, here’s a bit about me and why I’ve stepped up to run for Congress in 2024:

1. I’ve lived in Michigan’s 8th District since I was one year old – so I’m as close as you can get to a lifelong resident of our district and Mid-Michigan. I know our communities and I know how to connect with our voters. 

2. Professionally, I’m a scientist, a public health expert, an education leader, and a statewide policy advocate. I’ve served as the Chief Public Health Advisor responding to the Flint Water Crisis, and I led the fight to reduce childhood lead poisoning in Michigan. 

If you’ve followed anything about Michigan’s politics in the last several years, you know how badly Republicans have harmed our state’s education, environment, and children’s future. I’ve had a front-row seat as I led the efforts to clean up the Flint Water Crisis and fought for Detroit’s students in the landmark Right to Literacy lawsuit. 

From my experience, I know how to work with those in government, roll up my sleeves, fix big problems that Republicans have caused, and get things done. 

Now, I’m ready to break down barriers in Congress as a Black woman with a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering and a Doctorate in Public Health, but John, I need your help to join our grassroots campaign. 

John, will you make a personal endorsement of my campaign for Congress? My campaign stems from a deep-rooted belief in standing up for the people and fighting for our democracy, our children, and our future. Please join me → 



Thanks for your support,

– Dr. Pamela Pugh


Cliff Schecter

President, Blue Amp Action

Amplify Good


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PO Box 8384, Cincinnati, OH 45208

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About BlueAmp Action:

We cannot sugarcoat the current situation. Right-wing authoritarianism, defeated by a worldwide coalition during WWII, was only in hibernation. Over the past decade it has infected democratic societies--including ours. It is as simple as it is terrifying: What we do now will define the future of our country and world. 

We at Blue Amp Action are dedicated to liberal, open societies, where reason and science are applied to solve our problems; where civil rights--including voting rights!--are protected for all. We fight for these values every day. Speaking up on our platforms, raising the voices and the political prospects of liberal pols and pundits. 

And savvy grassroots activists like you know, just like we do, that we can’t stop watching the people we help elect: after the elections, we have to keep organizing support for the policies we like and pushing back against the ones we don’t.

When the public tunes out between elections and the only people our elected officials hear from are the paid lobbyists of wealthy corporations, our government stops being accountable to the needs of ordinary families.

Democracy never sleeps, and neither can we.

So we ask that you support our work, so we can continue to engage in this fight every moment of every day. So our kids grow up in democracy, not dystopia.

Thank you for your support for all we do! Please follow Cliff Schecter on Twitter @cliffschecter, or subscribe to The Takedown with Cliff Schecter on YouTube, to keep up to date with this battle for the heart and soul of our country.

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