We’re emailing to ask for $1 to help Dan Osborn defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer.


We’re emailing to ask for $1 to help Dan Osborn defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer.

No, that’s not a typo. Our next fundraising deadline is just days away, and we’re still short of our $50,000 goal and what we need to win and flip this seat.

We know $1 might not seem like a lot – and it’s not. But combined with thousands of other grassroots donors chipping in, your $1 has enormous impact.

$1 lets us fill up the tank as Dan travels the state, meeting and introducing himself to voters.

$1 lets us invest early in staff and the critical resources it takes to build a winning campaign.

$1 lets us counter the Super PAC lies.

And $1 lets us keep the lead in this critical Senate race – the latest poll shows Dan Osborn LEADING Republican Deb Fischer by 2 points!

If everyone reading this email chips in just $1, we will hit our fundraising goal and defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer this November. But Dan is counting on your support now if he’s going to win and flip this seat:

Please, will you chip in $1 right now to Dan Osborn’s campaign – more if you can afford to! – to help him defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and flip this seat?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Dan isn’t taking money from corporate PACs. Instead, he’s funding his campaign entirely with support from everyday people like you. So truly, no amount you can afford to give today is too small.

When Dan wins and becomes the critical 51st vote in the Senate, it will be because grassroots donors like you gave what you could now.

Thank you for your support,

Team Osborn