Episode 193 uploaded March 10: Sam Goldman speaks with historian Rick
Perlstein, author of multiple books about the US conservative movement
including Nixonland, about his latest work on the contemporary era and
the nexus between the fascists, the media, and the Democratic Party;
what he calls “the infernal triangle.”
Then, Sam talks to journalist Jennifer Cohn about the full Christian Nationalist theocratic program.
Check out Sam's comments on Biden's State of the Union speech, and the week's events.
Rick Perlstein: You have this class of agenda setting elite journalists who see politics as a game, see it as a horse race. They're just kind of going through the motions following these rigid genre conventions, and because of where we are in our political culture and in our history, that is, in context, straight-up disinformation.
Jennifer Cohn: Having studied public perception and how propaganda works, if you don't continue to sound the alarm on an issue, the public will perceive that the threat has gone away. The threat of Christian extremism certainly has not gone away, and isn't going to go away anytime soon, certainly not before this next election.
Sam Goldman: [Speaking of the SCOTUS decision to consider Trump's claim of complete presidential immunity] People really need to consider that the liberals on the Supreme Court might believe that if they can just hold the country together a little longer, not shake the boat, that the fascist might find reason, might come to the table -- that things are going to be okay. They are choosing order over justice...When you attempt to choose order over justice, in addition to the pure moral bankruptcy, you most likely will end up with neither order nor justice. And here, we will most likely end up with the order of fascism.
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