Dear John,
With World Water Day on March 22, this month is a time to take action to expand water equity and access to the 2 billion people around the world don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. Water filters offer a solution that can remove many of the dangerous water contaminants—without billions of single-use plastic bottles—during water disasters and poor infrastructure like the toxic lead service lines bringing water into the homes of 22 million people in the U.S.
In this month's webinar, Filtered Water: Preventing Billions of Plastic Bottles From Flooding U.S. Communities, we will discuss how proactive distribution of filters is
a sustainable and affordable solution for providing clean water to the millions of people in the U.S. waiting to undergo the replacement of toxic lead pipes. Our panel will also explore why single-use plastic bottles are not the solution, as they are toxic to produce, can leach dangerous chemicals and microplastics into the water they carry, and end up in landfills or the surrounding environment.
We are grateful to be joined by a panel of expert scientists and community advocates, including Deandrah Cameron, Policy Manager at New Jersey Future; Dr. Sherri A. “Sam” Mason, Associate Research Professor and Director of Sustainability at Penn State Erie Behrend College; John Rumpler, Clean Water and Get the Lead Out Director at Environment America. The conversation will be moderated by Madison Dennis, Project Manager for the Plastic Pollution Coalition Filtered Not Bottled campaign.
DATE: Thursday, March 28 TIME: 2-3 pm PT | 5-6 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone. Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will automatically send you the webinar recording afterwards.
Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested
We look forward to your participation!
Warm regards,

Julia Cohen Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition |