? Count down begins! We are 28 days from the Total Eclipse.
The City of Harker Heights is requesting that if you (resident or business) plan on hosting a total eclipse event ? notifications are required. It?s a simple process ? notify us by email at
For Special Events:
? E-mail the location
? anticipated activities
? link to social media page (if one exists)
? contact information
For inflatables:
? e-mail the location
? size of inflatables
? link to Social media page (if one exists)
? contact information
For temporary signage:
? e-mail location
? number of signs & sizes
? contact information
There is no fee to register, and this notification is only for activities within the City of Harker Heights between April 5th through the 9th.
We appreciate your cooperation as it will assist us in our planning for emergency responses.
Please share with family, friends, local businesses, and churches.
For more information concerning the upcoming eclipse - please visit https://harkerheights.gov/eclipse