Control of the House WILL come down to California...

John -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a donation directly to the California Democratic Party to help Democrats take control of the House this election.

California is the state with the most flippable House races — several elections that came within just a few points last time. We can win them, but only if we have the resources.

If that's all you need to hear, I am asking you to make a donation to the California Democratic Party today.

Otherwise, let me dig in here on why I am asking you to make a $3 donation to the California Democratic Party today.

Imagine a world where Joe Biden wins, Democrats hold the Senate, and the only thing left is the House. Imagine the good we can do with all three?

Now imagine a world in which Trump wins re-election, Republicans flip the seats needed to win the Senate, and the only bit of protection against Trump's total rule is the House.

Control of the House WILL come down to California, and a donation to the California Democratic Party gives them the resources they need to win, and the flexibility to put money in play in the races that need it most.

So please – Not only did Trump win big last Tuesday, but California’s primaries happened as well and the field is just about set. Republicans know this too and will be on the attack against our candidates.

Can you please rush a $20.24 contribution directly to the California Democratic Party today? Help us do the work we need to turn out Democrats in California and take back the House.

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

Thank you,
- Gavin Newsom

Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States