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Unleash Prosperity Hotline
Issue #973
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1) The Other “Shrinkage” in America Is Biden’s Credibility

What a gang of screw-ups we have running the White House. In his State of the Union speech Biden mentioned Snickers as an example of “Shrinkflation.” But it turns out Snickers candy bars have not shrunk in size.

When our sister organization, Unleash Prosperity Now, developed the latest ad criticizing Biden's inflationary spending policies for causing food prices to rise and packages to shrink, we double and triple-checked that Oreo downsized their packages (they cleverly switched from two stacks the long way to three the short way when they did).

Nobody who works at the White House thought to fact-check whether Snickers sizes had changed before attacking an American company in the State of the Union.  

Why would anyone believe a word Joe says?   
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2) Our Immigration Policy Is Upside Down

No American president in modern times has done more damage to our immigration system than Joe Biden. This chart from the liberal Brookings Institution shows that the Biden administration is now annually allowing into the country almost three times as many illegal immigrants as legal ones. 

We’d like to see these lines reversed. More legal visa entries — especially those with high skill levels or with special talents — and a border that is secure.

Biden’s near-nonexistent border control policy is undermining Americans’ support for a generous and orderly immigration process that our economy desperately needs. 
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3) Minorities May Be Fleeing From Democrats

We’ve often warned against putting too much stock in polls. But that said, right now the polls are pointing in a direction that should have liberals very worried.

John Burn-Murdoch, the chief data reporter for the Financial Times, has looked at dozens of America’s gold-standard national election surveys and concludes:

Democrats’ advantage with minorities is the lowest since 1960, as conservative minorities increasingly vote their policy preferences. In 2012, three quarters of blacks who identified as conservatives voted for Democrats, vs. less than half in 2022.

A less racially divided America is an America where people vote more based on their beliefs than their identity. This is bad news for Democrats.


Burn-Murdoch found that Black Americans who lived through the civil rights era still supported Democrats at very high levels – even though Democrats were the party that traditionally opposed integration. But younger generations of black voters are wavering. Many of America’s non-white voters have long held much more conservative views than white Democratic voters. Minorities are much less likely to rate climate change and LGBTQ issues as a high priority, even as elitist liberals keep pushing a radical agenda on both issues.  

Another factor is that the image of the GOP as the party of wealthy country club elites is dimming, opening the door to working- and middle-class voters of all ethnicities.
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4) CTUP Scoops the CDC on Lockdown-Related Spike in Alcohol Deaths 
This headline was in the papers yesterday:

But HOTLINE readers will recall that we reported this two years ago. Our economic senior fellow Casey Mulligan analyzed this data and issued a warning that lockdowns were leading to far more alcohol-related deaths than in previous years. Now even the CDC finally admits it.  
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5) Another Biden Whopper: He’s Making Home Ownership More Affordable
Some of our readers correctly noted that in the Weekend Hotline we left out another Biden deception.

In his speech he said mortgage rates “will come down“ and he introduced yet another government give-away program that will offer first-time home buyers a $5000 per year subsidy for two years. That's equivalent to a $416 per month taxpayer subsidy on their mortgage payments. 

What he failed to say is that his policies have caused mortgage payments to RISE by more than $1,100 a month on a median-value home. So even WITH this handout, they’re STILL worse off.

When Joe came into office the 30-year mortgage rate for a new home purchase was 2.8% and it averaged about 3.9% under Trump’s presidency. Under Biden the rate skyrocketed to 7.8% and now nationally it stands at 6.9%. As a consequence, the average mortgage payment on a 30 mortgage for a median-value home has risen from about $1,500 a month to above $2,600 today. 

The American Dream of home ownership is yet another casualty of Bidenflation. 
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6) Liberal Logic

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