Eugene Vindman for Congress

John —

When we help Eugene win this race for Virginia’s 7th district, we help Democrats up and down the ballot win too.

That means helping Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in a crucial swing state and send him into retirement once and for all.

That means helping Tim Kaine beat his GOP opponent and hold the Senate majority for Democrats.

That means helping drive Democratic turnout across the Commonwealth of Virginia where there are other competitive races that will decide who controls the House next year.

So when you make a donation to power our work in Virginia, you’re making a donation that will be put to work up and down the ballot.

That’s how we protect our democracy from the far-right and continue to build on the progress we’ve made under President Biden.

Make your your first contribution to Eugene Vindman today and help us push Democrats to victory in Virginia. Any amount you can give goes a long way.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Imagine the good we could do for our country if we could take back the House, hold the Senate, and hold the White House in November. That effort starts right here in Virginia.

— Team Vindman


Paid For By Vindman for Congress

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Eugene Vindman served in the U.S. Army and the National Security Council. Use of his job titles and photographs during service does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army or the National Security Council.