Submit Your Intentions - Nine Holy Masses St. Joseph
Patriarch Joseph foreshadowed the mission and vocation of Saint
Joseph, Foster-Father of Jesus and True Spouse of the Virgin Mary.
Thus, too, we follow the command: Go to Joseph.” ~ Raymond Cardinal Burke

Dear Friend,
It seems unbelievable that a simple
layman, a humble worker, a father should be designated as the
protector of the entire universal Church, yet, that is the role of St.
Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus officially decreed by Pius IX in
1870. But hasn’t Joseph always been the protector of all that is holy
and innocent?
Here is Day One of the Nine-Day Novena:
In Bethlehem, he protected the
Child Jesus from the murderous designs of Herod and then protected the
Child and His holy mother on the long journey into Egypt and back
(Matthew 2:13-15). Then he protected the Holy Family from Archelaus,
the son of Herod, by avoiding Judea and settling in Nazareth on their
return (Matthew 2:21-23).
We sometimes forget how critical
St. Joseph is to the protection of our families and our Church, but we
can capture that sense of Joseph’s guidance by fully embracing
this wonderful Novena. In fact,
all who do so will reap great benefits from this devotion to our great
Let’s join together and pray this
novena from March 11-19. If you haven’t already done so, please sign
up to receive the Nine Day Novena by submitting your intentions. St.
Joseph will be favorable to all who ask his help!
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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