

Even though public vigils have been suspended, we know of 282 babies spared from abortion since February 26--with news from local campaigns continuing to come in.

We now have a confirmed report of the...

...17,000th baby saved from abortion all-time!

In today's video blog, you'll meet TWO abortion-bound mothers who thank YOU for helping empower them to choose life...and one mom who didn't.

That post-abortive mother has joined her local 40 Days for Life campaign to help make sure other abortion-vulnerable women avoid the mistake she made.


Watch the video by clicking the image or visiting:


Though the public 40 Days for Life vigil came to an early end, we continue to share stories and photos from the campaign's first 25 days.

Xochimilco, Mexico

Vigil participants in Xochimilco met a woman who appeared to be a textbook case for abortion. On top of her own health concerns, her husband was an alcoholic.

Fortunately, the local 40 Days for Life leader is a medical doctor, who offered the couple critical information about abortion alternatives, pregnancy help centers, a place to live, health care, and more.

The couple returned to the abortion center two more times--not to end their child's life, but to get more information and to THANK volunteers for providing the resources they needed to choose life.


Fort Collins, Colorado

Vigil participants always gasp when they see an abortion-bound couple enter the facility accompanied by a small child.

It's a sight that makes Planned Parenthood gasp too--the presence of an adorable little girl or boy might encourage a mother to choose life.

Fort Collins prayer warriors reported that a couple accompanied by a beautiful two-year-old boy left Planned Parenthood just a few minutes after entering.

"She didn't do it," reported the child's father.

"Was she going to?" 40 Days for Life volunteer Sherri replied.

"That's why we came here."

Heather, the Fort Collins leader, said the expectant mother "looked so happy and relieved."


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

—John 1:1-3

O God, may we always be quick to call you Father. And when we call you father, let your Spirit remind us that we, and all people, from their beginning to their last day, are your children. We praise you, Father, that you sent your Son to reveal to the world that all people are His brothers and sisters, that all people are your children.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316