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Millions of people across the world tuned into online church services on Sunday as their usual places of worship were closed, but in some places clerics
insisted on their doors remaining open.
Pakistani authorities struggled to limit congregational prayers on Friday with devout Muslims defying government orders to stay home, threatening efforts to
stem the spread of the coronavirus.
A Scottish church has launched legal action against Edinburgh City Council over its right to host an American pastor who labelled homosexuality "not normal
This month in the United States, several neo-charismatic preachers decided not to cancel their church meetings and events – though some have since said they
would move their meetings online.
TV thriller Messiah has been cancelled by Netflix after just one season amid allegations of religious insensitivity, although the coronavirus
pandemic may also have played a part in the decision.
Netflix's Unorthodox tells the harrowing story of a nineteen-year-old woman named Esty Shapiro, who flees her life in New York, and the Hasidic Jewish
community in which she grew up.
As the government publishes a framework for the extension of abortion rights in NI, Dr Antony Lempert welcomes politicians' belated willingness to defend
women's right to choose but laments several missed opportunities.
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