John, I want you to see this.
The New York Times just reported that some Democrats feel “exhausted” from fighting Donald Trump and his attacks on our Democracy.
I know they’re wrong – and I’m asking you to help us prove it, because Democrats know we cannot afford to be tired in the face of the danger that Trump poses for our country.
Together, we can show once and for all that Democrats will NEVER tire of defending our Democracy from Donald Trump and Republicans who seek to destroy it. Not now, not in November, not ever. So I’m marshaling a groundbreaking response – 5,000 Democratic gifts before our End of Week Deadline – to send a resounding message: Democrats will hold Trump and Republicans accountable for their actions and BEAT them in November. Please, will you step up? >>
John, I need you to know three critical things.
1 → The latest polls show Donald Trump and Joe Biden are TIED.
2 → Donald Trump just raised $6 million in ONE NIGHT to break the tie.
3 → The New York Times just reported that Democrats are “exhausted” from fighting Trump’s far-right attacks – so Democrats need your support to prove them wrong.
That’s why I’m emailing every grassroots supporter like you before it’s too late. I know if 5,000 proud Democrats step up before midnight, we can show the nation that Democrats will NEVER stop defending our sacred Democracy from the likes of Donald Trump. But if we fail to hit our goal, Republicans will think they can get away with anything. Please, we can’t let that happen. Can I count on your $15 – or whatever you can spare – before our End of Week Deadline? >>