$39.73 — that's our average donation, John.

It may not seem like much, but when Sam from Wahoo chips in $5 one day, and Miriam in Omaha chips in $15 every month, it really adds up. 

I’m proud of this number because it says a lot about the incredible strength of our grassroots team.

It shows that you don’t have to take a dime from party bosses or corporate CEOs to get ahead.

But meanwhile, Don Bacon is being funneled MILLIONS by GOP leaders and corporate CEOs.

That’s why I need your urgent support to compete with Don Bacon’s outrageous spending, GOP attack ads, and whatever our special-interest opponents throw at us. John, will you rush in $15 — or any amount you can spare — to help me win this race and put Nebraska families first in Congress? It would mean the world to me. >>

Tony Vargas is a State Senator, public school teacher, and Dad running to represent Nebraska’s Second Congressional District and unseat Republican Don Bacon.

This fight is personal. The American Dream made Tony’s story possible. He refuses to sit on the sidelines while others struggle to achieve the same dream.

This fight is also high stakes. Joe Biden won the presidency because of Nebraska. Now, Tony’s fighting to finish what he started and flip this district blue.

Tony is proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood, 314 Action, CHC Bold PAC, New Dems Action Fund, Dems Serve, IBEW, Voter Protection Project, JStreet, and over 40 local elected officials.

Email is the best way for Tony to keep his supporters up-to-date with happenings from the campaign trail. We know we send a lot of fundraising emails -- but that’s because his campaign is fueled by grassroots donations from folks like you.


If you only want to receive our most important emails, click here. We don’t want to lose you completely -- but if you want to unsubscribe, you can do so here: unsubscribe

We can't tell you how much we appreciate your grassroots support!

Tony Vargas for Congress
PO Box 746
Boys Town, NE 68010
United States
[email protected]


Paid for by Tony Vargas for Congress