"As President Biden and his team raced to write and rewrite his State of the Union address, a pair of progressives reached out to the White House with warnings, polling data, and even edits," reported RealClearPolitics this week.

In his State Of The Union, President Biden took our advice! A top Politico reporter wrote:

The biggest recommendation from the PCCC for Biden was used tonight almost verbatim in the State of the Union: "We have two ways to go. Republicans can cut Social Security and give more tax breaks to the wealthy… I'll protect and strengthen Social Security and make the wealthy pay their fair share."

Our polling with Data For Progress shows that this economic message alone turns a Democratic 2-point loss to Trump into a 7-point win!

We’ve hinted for months that we’re working on a behind-the-scenes messaging project to help Democrats win in 2024. Now, it’s quite public!

There’s more work to do. We had our first planning conversations this week. Can you please chip in $3 to continue our (successful) messaging work so we can defeat Trump in 2024? Click here. (Even better, please make it monthly.)

Another top reporter wrote, "For months, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee has encouraged the White House to link Social Security and taxing the wealthy. Biden took their advice tonight."

Here is the rationale behind this strategy. Our polling with Data For Progress shows Independent voters trust Biden and Trump equally on Social Security. That’s nuts.

There Is No Perceived Contrast on Social Security

Why is this true? Because Republicans keep lying and pretending they won’t cut Social Security even as all 4 of Trump’s budgets did! So, as RealClearPolitics reported:

"Let’s pick a new fight where Republicans can’t even pretend to match our position," Green said...The strategy is simple. Because Republicans are not willing to raise taxes on the wealthy, he said, previewing the argument he wants Biden to make, "let’s tie together the idea that they want to cut taxes on billionaires and cut Social Security."

Read the article here. And read more recommendations from our polling here.

Do you want Democrats to have smart strategy and win? By donating to our work, you can help make it happen.

Please chip in $3 to continue our (successful) messaging work so we can defeat Trump in 2024? Click here. (Even better, please make it monthly.)

Thanks for being a bold progressive and helping save our democracy.

-- Adam Green, PCCC co-founder




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