Hi John,

Today, I needed to write.

Here are my thoughts on how we must be as a campaign during this crisis.

A Crisis: The Ultimate Grassroots Test
Over the last two weeks, I've remained quiet about the incessant problem of money in politics. But like many of you, I’ve grown weary of the asks. It’s time to address the issue in regard to the current crisis, a crisis impacting our district’s physical, mental and financial health.

When we closed down our office on March 11th to help protect our community, I knew it meant we would have to make a significant pivot. At that time, I made a commitment to focus solely on connecting our neighbors and helping our community get through this crisis in whatever small ways we could.

We've stood by that commitment. This means our priority hasn’t been, nor will it be fundraising.

I know what it is like to see the health of a family member change in an instant and to have few to no answers. I know what it is like to be afraid because of something inexplicable and sudden, and with you, I am worried now too.

Read my full blog post here.


Other Updates

  • AZ State House Democrats have put together comprehensive COVID-19 resources. Bookmark this.

  • GOOD NEWS! Team Anita is officially on the ballot. Yes, we've filed our signatures. Watch the announcement here.

  • Missed the LIVE Town Hall - How Are the Kids? Watch the replay here, plus find resources from and contact information for the extremely knowledgable and helpful panelists.

  • We've bought gifts cards to several local coffee shops/cafes that need our help during this time. For each virtual coffee, we are supporting a physical location. Let us know about local coffee favorites that need help. Reply to this email.

  • To keep our community connected with resources and support, we've launched the ConnectAZ Slack community. Join it here and get help, offer help and share local information.
