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Dear John

This week, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered the spring Budget statement which contained some positive news for rural communities.

The move to scrap tax breaks for short-term lets is a step in the right direction, but these changes should be applied to all second homes – a major cause of the rural housing affordability crisis. Get more on our reaction here.

In other news, this week the government announced new hedgerow regulations to be brought into law to protect wildlife. While we welcome these protections, we want to see them introduced before the next election and not simply ‘as soon as parliamentary time allows’. Read more on our website.

Lastly, the deadline for the government's consultation on future homes and building standards has been extended to 27 March. Within the consultation is a proposal to make rooftop solar a mandatory requirement on suitable new buildings. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond – if you haven’t yet, you can do so here.

New collaboration on how the planning system can better deliver net zero


Delivering a net zero energy system requires bold collaboration across a range of sectors and disciplines. A new initiative between the Aldersgate Group, Renewable UK, and CPRE, the countryside charity aims to deliver this, by examining how the planning system needs to change to achieve net zero.

CPRE joins leading organisations supporting Outdoors For All manifesto


Forty two leading national governing bodies and environmental organisations have joined together to support an Outdoors For All manifesto. Together we're calling on the government to commit to legislation that expands public access rights to more green and blue spaces.

How leasehold reform can unlock the potential of rooftop solar


Estimates show that around 30% of the housing stock in England is either owned by private landlords or a leasehold property. Rooftop solar can help us reach net zero while protecting our countryside, but we need to look at how it could work for renters and landlords.

International Women's Day: 'Inspire Inclusion'


Yesterday marked International Women’s Day and this year's theme was ‘Inspire Inclusion’. CPRE has long campaigned for a countryside for all, but there is still much more to be done in terms of inspiring inclusion in the countryside and the natural world. We spoke to a few different women to get their perspectives on how we can go about this.

Free Wills Month is here


This Free Wills Month, Chief Executive Roger Mortlock speaks about the important role that gifts in wills play in resourcing CPRE’s vital campaigning work - watch the video here. If it feels like the right time to write your will, you can do so for free today with Farewill. While there is no obligation, by joining supporters who have pledged a gift in their will to CPRE, you can let your love of the countryside live on. Find out more below or email [email protected] for more information.

Access exclusive discounts by joining CPRE


Did you know that CPRE members receive exclusive discounts at over 100 properties in England? Elsing Hall Gardens are one of Norfolk’s best kept secrets, set in the romantic surroundings of Elsing Hall, a medieval moated Manor House dating back to about 1470. Our members receive 50% off one adult ticket entry. So what are you waiting for? Join us today from just £5 a month.


Best wishes,

Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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